“Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

— Joshua 1:8

Formula for Success

Keep reading and talking about God’s Word. Think with careful attention on all that is written in it. That way you’ll be able to do the things it teaches. If you do, your days will be marked by peace and good fortune and success. That’s God’s formula.

What’s success? You want to have good relationships at home and at school. You want to succeed in your school work. You desire good outcomes on your soccer team or with your piano lessons. Success doesn’t mean lots of money and cool clothes.

So if you’re NOT being prosperous and successful, if your days are full of turmoil instead of peace — apply God’s formula for success. Go to God’s Word and find the answer to your problem. God’s Word is jam-packed with words of wisdom on how to have a successful life. Study it carefully, do what you see written there, and look out! The blessings of peace, joy, success, and loving relationships will overflow.

More to Explore: Proverbs 11:12

Girl Talk: Are you getting into the Bible each day? Reading a chapter each day is a great way to learn what God wants for you. Just dive in, and God will speak to you.

God Talk: “Lord, I know you gave us the Bible to guide our lives. Please help me to learn what I need to learn. Help me to understand what you are saying to me through your Word. Amen.”

From No Boys Allowed by Kristi Holl