“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”

— John 15:5

Stay Connected

Have you ever planted a garden? If you cut the branches from the vine for any reason, the branches soon wither and die. Your connection to God is just like the relationship between a branch and the vine it’s growing out of.

Today, make that flow through Jesus Christ uninterrupted. By saying he is the vine and you are a branch, Jesus stressed the need for you to stay connected to him. Branches are cut off vines for many reasons. Environmental issues like wind and cold; hungry wild animals; and bugs and insects worming their way through all pose threats to branches on a vine.

You, too, face cold situations sometimes. Your circumstances might make you feel like a wild beast is trying to eat you up! Little by little, worries seem to sneak into your heart, like a pesky inchworm. These all threaten to cut you off from Jesus Christ, the vine.

One of the ways branches are protected is by covering or wrapping them. You can cover yourself too! Ban these branch cutters from your life by praying. Spend time sharing your thoughts with him, and listening for his voice to speak to you.

More To Explore: John 15

Girl Talk: What things threaten to cut you off from God?

God Talk: “Father God, thank you for helping me stay connected to you today. I understand that I can do nothing without your help. Amen.”

From My Beautiful Daughter by Tasha Douglas