“He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.”

— John 10:3

Jesus Calling

For the first few days of school, you might wear a nametag until the teacher learns who everybody is. Don’t you love it, though, the first time she calls you by your name, without having to look at your tag? She took the time to learn your name. It’s cool.

The bigger the class, the longer it takes. And in middle school, when a teacher has more than one class, it could be a week or two. Think about God, with the billions of people on the earth he has to teach — not to mention all the ones who have lived before now. He knows every one of them by name. Not just “Shelby,” “Meg,” “Bethany.” He knows middle names, last names, nicknames — without nametags or a seating chart.

Imagine God calling your name right out loud. If it feels so good when a human teacher knows who you are, how would it feel to hear your name coming out of that almighty mouth?

That’s how important you are to God — enough for him to know your one-of-a-kind name and call you by it so he can lead you into the life he has planned for you — the life with your name on it.

Listen. He’s calling.

More to Explore: John 10:14 – 15

Girl Talk: How does it feel to know that God knows everything about you — even the yucky stuff — and still loves you more than you can imagine?

God Talk: “Jesus, thank you that you care about me so much. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around sometimes. Help me to hear your voice when you call my name.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue