“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?’ ”

— John 11:25 – 26

The Name Game

Has anyone ever called you something besides your given name? If it was a negative term, you know how much it hurts. That’s because to Father God, your name represents your character, saying something to the world about who you are.

God has many names. And each one tells you something about God’s nature too. But if you call God by one name in particular, you’ll really get to know God in a special way. Today, think about that first name God used to help you understand that trusting God is all you need: I AM.

Can you imagine asking someone their name and they answer with, “I am”? What would you think of them? Maybe you’d be tapping your foot, waiting for them to finish their sentence thinking, okay, so you are . . . ? Thankfully, Jesus Christ clarified the fuzziness of Father God’s “I AM” statement.

Jesus spoke the words “I AM” frequently as he shared his life with his followers. His words make it clear that Jesus is the one who leads daughters to Father God, and that God is the source of everything you need today and always.

More To Explore: John 8:12; John 10:9; John 15:5

Girl Talk: Do you know what your name means?

God Talk: “Father God, thank you for revealing yourself to me through your many names. I’m depending on you to be all that I need today as I follow your son Jesus Christ, whose name is above any other.”

From My Beautiful Daughter by Tasha Douglas