“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”

— Matthew 5:9

Give Peace a Chance

Don’t you love it when the whole family gets together for Christmas or Thanksgiving or just a big ol’ reunion? It’s so cool to sit at the table and look around and realize you’re part of something special that nobody can take away from you. Nobody can gossip you out of that circle.

You’re also part of God’s family, an even bigger group which frankly doesn’t always get along. If you really want to make God the Father happy, try teaching other members of God’s family how to cooperate rather than fight. Help your brothers and sisters negotiate who gets the remote without drawing blood. Bring your girlfriends together to talk things out instead of joining in the drama. Stop the squabbling on the soccer team and convince the players to focus on teamwork.

In the middle of that, you’re going to see who you are. While you’re making peace, you’ll see that you’re strong and brave and loving and righteous. You’ve become God’s Go-To Girl, the one he can count on. Talk about a blessing, huh?

More to Explore: Hebrews 12:14

Girl Talk: How can you be a peacemaker at home? How can you be a peacemaker with your friends?

God Talk: “God, when my friends aren’t getting along or when my siblings are picking a fight, give me the courage to make peace. Thank you that I get to be part of your great big family. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue