“If someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently.”

— Galatians 6:1

Support Each Other

Alyssa was shocked when she heard that Taylor, a girl in her youth group, was caught drinking with some older kids. When she spotted Taylor at school, Taylor turned red and walked the other way. Taylor skipped youth group Wednesday night, and Alyssa wished she could do something. Finally, she decided to stop at Taylor’s house on the way home. She had no idea what to say, but she wanted Taylor to know they wanted her back in youth group, no matter what. When Taylor opened the door, she blinked in surprise, then hung her head. “We missed you at group,” Alyssa said. “Can we talk?” Taylor looked up, tears in her eyes. “Sure. Come on in.”

If you’re a follower of Jesus, you will have the same desire he does: “I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick” (Ezekiel 34:16 NKJV). We all fail, and we all make mistakes. Instead of judging another believer, talk with her gently. Help her back on the right path. That’s love in action.

More to Explore: Matthew 9:13

Girl Talk: Do you know a believer who is caught in some behavior that’s wrong? How can you help? Are you caught in such behavior?

God Talk: “Lord, help me to not become prideful when someone else is caught doing something wrong. I want to have love for that person instead. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl