“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”

— Ephesians 4:32

Sharing the Love

Kayla’s Sunday school teacher said, “Your life may be the only Bible your friends read. Are they learning anything about God by watching you?” Kayla knew she didn’t do any really bad stuff — no drinking, no drugs, no smoking, no swearing. But did her unbelieving friends learn anything about God’s love by being around her? From that day on, Kayla determined that her life and her actions would demonstrate God to her friends. She made a list of things she could do to show God’s love, forgiveness, and compassion in some form each day to a friend. Sometimes she gave a compliment or a word of encouragement. Sometimes she helped a friend carry something or gave a hand with homework. Sometimes it was forgiving a friend instead of being mad.

If your friends never read the Bible, would they still learn through your actions that “love is patient, love is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4)? Give to others what God has so freely given to you. He’s devoted to your well-being, he forgives instead of getting revenge, he’s sympathetic to your problems, he’s patient, and he’s kind. Let God have control of your life so you can love others the way he loves you!

More To Explore: Romans 12:10

Girl Talk: Think about your circle of friends. To whom can you reach out and show God’s love? Write down a few things to try this coming week.

God Talk: “Lord, please help me to show my friends your love. Thank you for your love and forgiveness to me and everyone. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl