“When [Jesus] saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”

— Matthew 9:36

Lost Sheep

Megan was chatting with her best friend, Nora, when she noticed a girl on crutches approaching the school. The girl caught her crutch on a chunk of protruding cement and dropped her books. Nora laughed and grabbed Megan’s arm. “Did you hear how that happened? She sprained her ankle trying to skateboard with some little kids. What a loser.” Megan hesitated, then shook off her friend’s hand and hurried to help the girl pick up her books. She carried her bag into the school for her.

As believers, we must not be critical of someone else’s struggles. God wants to use you to help others. If you’re critical instead of kind, you’re useless. We are called to love one another. The only time you are to ever look down upon someone is when you’re bending over to help them up. Look around you today with a loving, compassionate eye. Who could use your help?

More to Explore: Titus 3:14

Girl Talk: When your classmates have trouble or sickness or problems, how do you respond? Do you gossip about them? Or do you try to help them?

God Talk: “Lord, I don’t want to criticize someone for having a problem. Show me how I can help instead. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl