“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship.”

— Acts 2:42

A Family of Believers

In the days soon after Jesus went back up into heaven and the disciples began to gather followers for him, anybody who gave his or her life to Jesus REALLY did. They sold all their stuff and put all the money together to make sure everybody had enough. They met every day and ate together and celebrated God with every meal. These were not just go-to-church-on-Sunday people. It worked, because “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).

God still wants us to have that kind of family feel with our fellow believers. We’re made to come together in groups and eat and share and praise together — otherwise, why would there even be churches, and church camps, and youth groups? Yes, we all need time alone to pray and listen to God, the way Jesus did. But just as much, we’re created to bow our heads together, to hold hands as we go to God, to sing in choirs, and to serve each other communion.

When you worship with a community, you can’t help but have a sense that you belong there. That’s because it’s all about God — God bringing us into his family like one big reunion.

More to Explore: Matthew 18:20

Girl Talk: Do you have a church you love? If so, look around for girls who might feel left out there. Make sure they get to experience that big family love too.

God Talk: “God, thank you that I get to be part of a big family of believers. Help me to always be willing to invite others into that family. Amen.”

From That’s So Me by Nancy Rue