“All of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.”

— 1 Peter 3:8

Caring for One Another

Sarah had a kind and generous heart by nature, and she didn’t understand why other kids had trouble getting along — until Tiffany moved to town. Tiffany was in Sarah’s grade at school, and she attended youth group and Bible study every week. But she didn’t just participate like everyone else. She blew into the room, like a gust of wind that unsettled everything. She was loud, thought she knew it all, and was determined to change everything so it was done “right.” Bossy and opinionated — that described Tiffany perfectly, Sarah thought. Sarah would have preferred avoiding Tiffany altogether, but she knew Jesus wanted her to be kind and loving toward Tiffany. Help me, Lord, Sarah prayed as she acted in kind ways. Over several months, Sarah’s heart slowly lined up with her loving actions. In the end, Tiffany became Sarah’s close friend.

Being kind and loving toward one another isn’t just a good idea. It’s a commandment from God, and it applies whether we feel like being compassionate or not. Show love and kindness to others — it will come back to you multiplied many times over!

More To Explore: Luke 10:30 – 35

Girl Talk: Are there any people in your life you have a hard time getting along with? Why do you think they are the way they are? Think of one way to care for them today.

God Talk: “Lord, I know you want me to do my part to live in peace with everyone. Sometimes I have a hard time with . Please help me be more kind and loving toward this person. Thank you. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl