“Cultivate inner beauty, the gentle, gracious kind that God delights in.”

— 1 Peter 3:4 (MSG)

God Knows You Inside Out

Brittany dressed in the latest fashions, had her hair fixed like her favorite movie star’s, and had a sharp, clever remark for everyone. It really irritated her that her neighbor, Paige (who was plain and ordinary-looking), had more friends. Brittany’s own sister had the nerve to say she wished Brittany was more like Paige! But why? Brittany had no idea.

It’s all about beauty. We have an outer life that everyone can see. What others think of us is determined by our outer life. But we have an inner life too, which God sees. Our reputation with God is based on our heart, or inner life. We tend to give 90 percent of our attention to our outer life, and very little to our inner life. But God doesn’t watch just our actions. He examines the attitudes, motives, and desires of our heart. All these things are important to him — and to others.

The inner person is who we really are. So cultivate true inner beauty. Before long, that inner beauty will also be seen and appreciated on the outside.

More to Explore: Luke 16:15

Girl Talk: Does the way you act match how you feel on the inside? Would you be embarrassed if others could see the real you?

God Talk: “Lord, my heart doesn’t always match what I say and do. Thank you for helping me get rid of the bad attitudes in my heart. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl