“For we are God’s handiwork.”

— Ephesians 2:10

Work of Art

Each person is “God’s workmanship.” It means you’re a masterpiece, a work of art! So learn to see yourself the way God sees you.

You may not feel like a work of art — no way! In fact, you may hate walking by mirrors, whether at home, at school, or when shopping. All you notice are your dorky glasses, or your zitty forehead, or your skinny figure. Although you are, in fact, an attractive young girl, you’re so focused on the traits you dislike that you can’t see anything else. You need to remember you’re God’s work of art. He created you just the way you are with a special plan in mind for your life.

Don’t say negative things about yourself, like “I hate my nose” or “I’m too short” or “My stomach’s fat.” Don’t downgrade yourself. Instead, say out loud every day, “I accept myself. God created me, and I’m his work of art. He has a wonderful future planned for me.” Say this often enough, and you will gradually accept yourself as God’s masterpiece. Why is this so important? If we don’t accept ourselves, we’ll find it hard — if not impossible — to accept others.

So smile. Really big. Remember — you’re a work of art!

More to Explore: Isaiah 60:21

Girl Talk: How do you feel about your looks? Do you like how God has made you? Are there things you’d like to change?

God Talk: “Lord, I want to accept myself the way you made me. Help me to believe that I am truly your masterpiece. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl