“Pleasant words are like honey. They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body.”

— Proverbs 16:24 (NIrV)

Wedding in the Family

With a final look in the mirror, Kallie pushed aside a strand of her brown hair. Then she lined up at the back of the church with her sisters Alyssa and Morgan.

As the shortest bridesmaid, Kallie would lead the others down the aisle. She was the youngest of four sisters and often felt like a tagalong. Too old to be a flower girl, but much younger than her sisters, Kallie was almost surprised when her sister Caryn asked her to be in her wedding.

Just then, Alyssa leaned forward to tell Kallie that she looked great. But Kallie felt sure she was kidding. “Hey, don’t make fun of me!” she whispered. “I wish I looked as awesome as you.”

Alyssa shook her head, but before she could answer, the signal came.

Remembering to walk slowly, Kallie started down the aisle. When she reached the steps, she managed to get up them without tripping on her long dress. Then she turned and looked toward the back of the church.

Next came Alyssa and Morgan. Then Caryn started forward. With her long white dress, her dark skin and eyes looked especially beautiful. Caryn seemed to shimmer all the way down the aisle. I’ve never seen her so beautiful! thought Kallie.

At the wedding reception, Gran found her. “Kallie, your hair is lovely that way!”

“Oh, Gran, I just couldn’t get it the way I wanted!”

“You couldn’t possibly improve on how it is,” answered Gran. “And you held your long skirt just right as you went up the steps.”

“Didn’t I look clumsy? I was sure I did.”

“Best of all, the way you stood at the altar, quietly listening, was respectful and nice.”

Kallie sighed. “I wanted to itch every minute. I felt like scratching my back. Alyssa and Morgan look so much nicer than I do.”

Gran’s smile faded. Her voice was gentle, yet firm. “Kallie, I gave you three compliments. What do you want to do about it?”

Gran moved away, and Kallie felt uneasy. What was she telling me?

As Kallie watched, Gran walked over to Alyssa and her boyfriend, Jamal. Looking at Alyssa, then at Gran, Jamal grinned. Kallie heard the low rumble of his voice.

“How about this awesome girl? I found a really good one, don’t you think, Gran?”

Alyssa blushed but smiled up at him. “Thanks, Jamal. I’m glad you like the way I am.”

Jamal’s slow smile reached his eyes. In that moment, something clicked in Kallie’s mind. So that’s what Gran meant!

More to Explore: Proverbs 31:26

Girl Talk: Think of a time when someone complimented you. How did you feel about what that person said? What would be a good way to answer that compliment?

God Talk: “Thank you, Jesus, that compliments are special gifts. Help me know what to say when people compliment me. And help me encourage others with honest compliments that make them feel special. Amen.”

From Girl Talk by Lois Walfrid Johnson