“ . . . so that you may surely learn to sense what is vital, and approve and prize what is excellent and of real value.”

— Philippians 1:10 (AMP)

True Value

When Jessica moved to a new town and started middle school, she studied the various groups of girls. Who would be her new friends? She liked both Grace and Elizabeth — they were fun and kind and friendly — but they definitely weren’t “cool.” On the other hand, Brit and Kayla were obviously the most popular girls. Boys swarmed around them. They invited Jessica to sit at their lunch table, and, at first, Jessica was thrilled to be singled out. But the filthy language she heard there — and the nasty backbiting of other students — made her feel dirty. Jessica had a choice to make. Would she choose friends of excellent moral value with high standards? Or would she settle for friends with glitz but no character?

How can you learn to prize what God values? Read God’s Word and let it change your thinking. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will” (Romans 12:2). Choosing what God values will place you in the center of his will — and there’s no better place on earth to be!

More To Explore: 1 Thessalonians 5:21

Girl Talk: What do you suppose God thinks about the decisions you make and the people you hang out with?

God Talk: “Lord, I don’t always make the best choice with my time. In everything I do, I want you to be proud of me. Please help me make the right decisions. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl