“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

— Psalm 139:14

No Trash Here

Does God make junk? Seriously. Is there anything tacky about a box turtle? Anything fake about a velvety red rose? Anything boring in a sunset over the water?

Since God created you, obviously you aren’t junk either. In fact, you are, as David puts it in the Psalm for today, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Fearfully, by the way, doesn’t mean Godzilla. It means “awesome” — you were made to be awesome. God knit you together that way, with love in every stitch. He thought of you, and you became.

You are the result of God’s precious thought, which means several things for you:

• You are beautiful. Maybe not modeling agency beautiful, but gorgeous in your own way. Believe it.

• You have a responsibility to find your true beauty. That doesn’t mean plastering on what everybody else says is “beauty.” It’s about discovering your best qualities.

• God wants you to show that beauty in everything you do. Just let what is beautiful within you shine to every person you meet.

Doing that involves a journey. It’s the one God wants you to take. It’s the reason he made you — fearfully and wonderfully.

More To Explore: 1 Samuel 16:7

Girl Talk: In what ways are you beautiful? Yes, you!

God Talk: “God, thank you that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Help me to see the beauty in myself and discover the beauty in others. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue