“Then I said to them, ‘You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace.”

— Nehemiah 2:17

Fight Discouragement!

We too often have to rebuild. What if, after your parents’ divorce, your dad moves five states away? After that, you see him only in the summer. Discouragement sets in, and you quietly give up. Why try to have a relationship with your dad when he lives so far away? You confide in your best friend that you plan to skip your next summer visit — and why. Yes, your friend agrees, the relationship with your dad has broken down. It’s sad, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. “Come on. You can rebuild,” your friend says. Together with your friend, you brainstorm some ways to heal the relationship with your dad.

It’s easy to be down when you see things in ruins, whether it’s your messy room or failing grades. Disappointments happen to everyone. But discouragement — when we lose confidence in ourselves, God, or others — is a choice. We can choose to be discouraged. Or we can do what Nehemiah did. We can study the situation and decide to rebuild.

More to Explore: Isaiah 35:3 – 4

Girl Talk: Are there things in your life that look ruined? In what ways can you begin to rebuild?

God Talk: “Lord, I choose not to be discouraged. Help me fix the broken things in my life. Thank you! Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl