“Don’t be afraid. Stand firm. You will see how the Lord will save you today. Do you see those Egyptians? You will never see them again. The Lord will fight for you. Just be still.”

— Exodus 14:13 – 14 (NIrV)

I Dare You

Emma yawned and looked up at the hands of the clock. With a new boy in school, it had been an exciting day. Yet now, time seemed to have stopped.

Annabelle, the most popular girl in the room, had asked Emma to walk home with her from school. Lily, the second most popular girl, was coming along. Sure, it was longer to walk the way they chose, but it would be worth it.

At last, the moment came. Surrounded by a hundred other kids, they pushed their way out the school door and started down the street. Soon, they left the others behind.

Annabelle giggled. “Don’t you like the new boy? I just love Aiden’s brown eyes. And his muscles — wow!” She tossed her head, and her blond hair swung around her shoulders. “Did you see the way Aiden watches me? I’m sure he likes me.”

Sure that clouds had moved across the sun, Emma glanced up. But nothing had changed. Twice Aiden had spoken to her that morning. When they traded test papers, he grinned at the funny mark Emma used for corrections. He liked the cartoon she drew at the bottom. She had wondered, Could he really like me? But now Annabelle said —

Just then, Annabelle opened her book bag. “Look! I’ve got half a pack of cigarettes my mom left out. Let’s cut down this street, and no one will see us.”

Emma stopped in her tracks. “No, I don’t think so.”

“Oh, come on,” Annabelle said. “I’ve smoked before. It’s not a big deal.”

“I’ve tried it too,” Lily joined in. “It won’t hurt you.”

“Sorry,” Emma said. “I know people who can’t stop smoking. I don’t want to start.”

“Are you kidding?” Annabelle asked. “You’ll never be popular that way!”

“You’re just a chicken,” Lily said. “I dare you to give it a try.”

Emma cringed. Her mixed-up feelings seemed like a waterfall tumbling over rocks. “I like you!” she wanted to cry out. “I don’t want you dying of lung cancer the way my uncle did!” But the words stuck in her throat.

She wondered if Annabelle and Lily could see that her face felt hot with embarrassment. Is this what it means to be popular?

More to Explore: Isaiah 53:5

Girl Talk: Is it important to be popular with everyone? Do you think God sometimes wants us to be unpopular?

God Talk: “When I’m tempted to do wrong, help me to say no, Jesus, even if I’m scared. Thank you that even though you often weren’t popular when you lived on earth, you have become the most important person who ever lived.”

From Girl Talk by Lois Walfrid Johnson