“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’ ”

— Exodus 3:14

The Great I AM

God appeared to Moses as a burning bush and said outright that he was the God of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And what did Moses do? He “hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God” (Exodus 3:6).

Once he did believe he was seeing God, Moses was scared nobody would believe him. People, he knew, would ask him what God’s name was. What was he supposed to tell them? That’s when God revealed something huge about himself, not just to Moses, but to us. He said, “I am who I am.”

God is. He just is, and that’s all he needs to be. He requires no explanation. When Moses accepted that, God told him who he was — the leader and freer of the Israelites. If you can say, “God IS, and I believe he is exactly who he is,” then God will show you that you too are just who you are. He’ll help you understand that there is no need to try to be what someone else tells you that you should be. In time, he’ll show you what your purpose is, that thing that shows you all that you are. For now, just relax into the knowledge that who you are is exactly who you need to be.

More To Explore: John 8:58

Girl Talk: Think about who God is. Make a list of all his incredible qualities.

God Talk: “God, thank you for who you are. And thank you that I am free to be me. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue