“God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

— Genesis 1:27

Creature Care

Finally, on the sixth day, God made people. He simply spoke, and there they were, male and female, as beautiful and balanced and perfect as everything else he created. The Scripture says God made humans in his own image. We’re not sure if we look like God, but we know it means every human being is worthy of honor and respect.

Since we’re made in God’s image, we have the same responsibility God has — to take care of the world. We must be pretty awesome if God trusts us to care for the creatures he so carefully thought up and crafted and put in his handmade world. So hug your Bible and thank God for both the job and the instructions for how to do it. Then hug your dog, cat, bird, or snake if you have one. You might just wave at your fish. They can be hard to hold onto.

And choose one of these to do.

• Feed the family pet(s) tonight.

• Provide for a wild animal (bird feeder or bread for the ducks in the pond).

• Volunteer to do something for a neighbor’s pet — like hang out with a dog that’s tied up in a backyard.

More To Explore: Genesis 1:26

Girl Talk: What things do you do to care for the planet — or your own backyard?

God Talk: “God, thank you for this beautiful world I get to live in! Help me to take care of it, so that in the future others can enjoy it just as much as I do. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue