“Then Jesus cried out, ‘Whoever believes in me does not believe in me only, but in the one who sent me. The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me.’ ”

— John 12:44 – 45

Seeing the Father

Has anyone ever told you that you look like one of your parents? Maybe you’ve heard that you have your father’s nose, or you walk like your mother. This is because you inherited your physical attributes from your parents. A chemical in your body, called DNA, determines how you look. You resemble your parents because you have the same DNA they do.

There’s a special son who looks just like his father too. That son is Jesus Christ. Just as your parents passed down their DNA to you, Father God passed down his DNA to his unique son, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has the exact nature and character of Father God. Jesus even told his first followers that “anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

Though God the Father is invisible, Jesus Christ the son is visible. By looking at Jesus, you can see exactly what God the Father is like. But not only does Jesus look like the Father, he is actually one with the Father. That’s why Jesus could say: if you’ve seen me, then you’ve seen the Father. Today, as you consider what Father God is like, discover him by learning about Jesus Christ.

More to Explore: Matthew 11:29

Girl Talk: What do you think Father God is like?

God Talk: “Father God, thank you for your son Jesus Christ. In looking at him, I see you. Amen.”

From My Beautiful Daughter by Tasha Douglas