“Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you, for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets.”

— Luke 6:26

You’re So Worth It

How about a round of “Have You Ever?”

Have you ever:

• worn an outfit like everybody else had and felt totally self-conscious the entire time?

• been at a party where you felt like an alien?

• not been able to think of anything to say when somebody you really wanted to be friends with started talking to you?

• snubbed somebody you liked, because you were with girls who probably wouldn’t accept her?

• pretended to be fine when you weren’t, so nobody would know what you were really feeling?

• not raised your hand in class, even when you knew the answer, because other kids might think you were a know-it-all or not cool?

We’ve all done things like that, because we’re not totally sure we’re “worth it” when we’re just being real. Here’s the deal: you were worth creating, even if somebody else doesn’t think so. So drive right through the roadblocks that keep you from being the real you. You are perfect just the way you are — good enough, unique enough, you enough. God wouldn’t have made you any other way.

More To Explore: Psalm 103:11

Girl Talk: What roadblocks do you need to drive through? Ask God to help you knock them down.

God Talk: “God, help me to see myself as you see me — beautiful, loved, special, and so worth creating. I love you. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue