“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

— Mark 16:15

Preach It, Sister!

There it was, the disciples’ job description. And yours.

“But how am I supposed to do that?” you may be asking. “I’m just a kid!”

Here’s the deal. Right now you’re in Phase One of that job. You’re learning the Good News so that, when you’re a more mature Christian, you’ll be ready to spread the Word in whatever way God wants you to. But you don’t have to wait until you know it all (because nobody ever totally does). Right now you can show Christ to the people in your little piece of the world by doing and being all that you’ve learned about in this book. If someone asks why you’re so happy or where you get the courage to stand up to people or how you always seem to know the right thing to do, you can tell them it’s all about your relationship with God.

That’s the preaching part. As for the go into all the world part, remember that the world is made up of millions of classrooms, soccer fields, households, church halls, school buses, dance studios, and backyards. As you go into the ones in your world, spread the word by what you say and do and are. Even a kid can do that.

More To Explore: Matthew 28:18 – 20

Girl Talk: What corners of the world do you enter each week?

God Talk: “Jesus, I want to show you love in everything I do and every place I go. Give me the courage to share your Good News. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue