“All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.”

— Proverbs 14:23

Talk Is Cheap

If you work hard at anything, there will be a benefit. It might be money or health or a sense of satisfaction. Idle chatter, however, won’t get you anywhere. Mere talk means little.

You talk all summer about getting fit so you can play basketball in middle school. You read about healthy eating plans and check online fitness websites for training schedules. You plan to be in top shape before tryouts because you’ve heard there’s a running test you’ll have to pass. Unfortunately, you never progress beyond talking about it. Putting it into practice looks like hard work. You still go to basketball tryouts in the fall, but you drop out halfway through the required half-mile run.

Talk is cheap. It’s time to stop being a person who only talks about what she is going to do; it’s time to put plans into action. It is time to stop talking about having a deeper relationship with God and start praying more and spending more time in God’s Word. We must go beyond knowing what to do and get to a place where we finally do it.

Put those idle words into action — and start reaping the rewards.

More to Explore: Ecclesiastes 5:3 and Proverbs 28:19

Girl Talk: What things do you talk about doing — but haven’t started or completed yet? Can you take a step today to move from idle chatter to action?

God Talk: “Lord, I want to be a person who keeps her word. Help me be someone who doesn’t just talk, but puts things into action. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl