“A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

— Proverbs 22:1

Vashti’s Stand

The book of Esther tells the story of the powerful King Xerxes and his queen, Vashti. In the third year of his reign, Xerxes gave a seven-day banquet in the palace garden. This was an incredibly fancy party. Servants served wine in goblets of gold, and the guests sat on gold and silver couches. Because it was improper in Persian culture for men and women to be entertained in the same place, Queen Vashti hosted the women in the palace.

On the last day of the banquet, the king was drunk and commanded his eunuchs to go and bring the queen to him. He wanted to put Vashti on display like a trophy. The king’s men crashed Vashti’s party and delivered the king’s message to her.

What would she do?

He was the king and he usually treated her very well. Vashti did enjoy a lot of nice things and special privileges because of her position as queen. But Vashti chose to tell the king, “No way.” She refused to parade around in front of a bunch of drunken men.

Vashti’s refusal wounded King Xerxes’ pride, and he threw a fit. He decided to kick Vashti out of the palace. Vashti lost her crown, her position in society, her home, and all the nice things that came with it. But she didn’t lose her values. Vashti left the palace with her self-respect intact.

How important are material things to you? Do you value the latest fashions, designer electronics, and iffy friendships more than your godly character? Are they more important to you than your faith in God and making decisions that please him?

Are you willing, like Vashti, to give up temporary and material things to do the right thing?

More to Explore: 1 Peter 3:3 – 4

Girl Talk: Even though she was beautiful, Vashti understood that the way she looked was not the most important thing about her. Have you ever been tempted to believe your value comes from the way you look?

God Talk: “God, thank you that you care more about inner beauty than outer beauty. Help me to remember that my godly character is more important than all the clothes and accessories in the world. Amen.”

From Real Girls of the Bible by Mona Hodgson