“I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me . . . What I have said, that will I bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.”

— Isaiah 46:9, 11

Do You Promise?

God is totally trustworthy. If he says he will do something, you can count on it getting done. He isn’t like a human being. He always tells the truth, and whatever he promises to do, he will do!

Believers should imitate God and also be trustworthy.

Brianna thought of herself as dependable and honest, but was she really? Let’s see. If she had a babysitting job, but a friend asked her to a movie, she called the family and said she’d forgotten about some previous plans. Then she went to the movie. If her dad asked where she went after school, Brianna said she stopped at the library. (She did stop there, but only to drop off some overdue books before heading to the mall.) Was Brianna truly honest and dependable? Or was she just fooling herself?

God is 100 percent honest. He never deceives, and he can be depended on. If we are followers of Jesus, we must strive to be honest and dependable at all times too.

More to Explore: Isaiah 45:5 – 6

Girl Talk: Are you always honest? Can you be honest with your friends without being cruel or hurting their feelings? Is it ever right to tell a “white lie”?

God Talk: “Lord, I want to be a girl my friends and family can count on. Help me to keep my word, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Amen.”

From Chick Chat by Kristi Holl