“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”

— 1 Corinthians 9:24

Running for Your Life

Believers are like runners in a race. In order to finish well, runners have to focus on the finish line. Heaven is the finish line for believers. If you want to live a life that counts, that has purpose, you need to live today while keeping the future in mind at all times.

June had accepted Christ as her Savior two summers before at church camp. For more than a year, she read her Bible daily, talked to her friends about Jesus, faithfully attended Sunday school, and was careful to choose godly friends. When she went to middle school in sixth grade, things changed. She got busy with new friends, ball games, movies, and shopping. She wasn’t doing anything wrong, but she had lost her focus. She stopped reading her Bible and praying. She stopped growing spiritually.

To be sure that you finish the race with strength, do what the athletes do. Set goals for your spiritual growth, write them down, and keep track of the progress you make. Know that progress takes time, but keep at it.

Keep your eyes on Jesus, and go for the gold!

More to Explore: Philippians 3:14

Girl Talk: Do you get caught up in what’s cool, what’s fun? How well do you keep your focus on God and what he has to teach you?

God Talk: “Lord, help me remember that I always need to focus on you, not just some of the time. I want to put you first! Thank you. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl