“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.”

— Proverbs 14:30

The Green-Eyed Monster

A peaceful heart is relaxed and easy, not tense and fearful. This peace of mind and heart will actually give you a longer, healthier life. But envy and jealousy gnaw at you, deep inside. The Bible says it can even rot your bones!

Jealousy is sneaky. It’s natural to compare ourselves to others or want what someone else has. But when that comparison makes us unhappy, we’re probably feeling jealous. Try to be happy for them instead. Can you compliment them on an outstanding performance or their pretty outfit? Taking positive action is a quick way to kill that green-eyed monster.

The Bible says in James 3:16 that where you have envy (which is another word for jealousy), you will find disorder and every evil practice. Not good! The sooner you tackle these emotions, the easier they are to defeat. God wants you to have a heart filled with peace. A heart at peace is a heart focused on God. So the next time you feel jealous, ask God to help you put jealousy in its place — out of your life!

More to Explore: James 3:13 – 18

Girl Talk: Are you jealous of someone? Be honest with yourself, but more importantly, be honest with God. He will help you overcome jealousy.

God Talk: “Jesus, I am really jealous of . I know that I shouldn’t be, but I am. Forgive me. Please help me to love this person like you do. Thank you for all the good things in my life. Help me to focus on all the blessings I already have instead of envying the blessings of others. Amen.”

From No Boys Allowed by Kristi Holl