“They pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.”

— Luke 5:11

Giving It Up to God

Have you and your friends ever talked about what possessions you would grab if your house were on fire and you had to get out fast? No matter what you imagine taking with you, it’s hard to think about leaving the rest behind.

What if you were called to something that required you to take absolutely nothing that you owned with you? What if you had to drop everything and go? Leave your family and friends? Simply stop your life and start a new one?

Okay, so maybe you can’t even picture it, but Simon Peter, James, and John didn’t have time to think about it. When Jesus said, “Guys, don’t be afraid. I want you to help me gather people instead of fish,” they went with him. Nothing else mattered.

Right now, while you’re still growing and learning, God won’t ask you to drop everything — school (which you might not mind!), family (which you just couldn’t do), friends (which — well, don’t even go there). But he might ask you to abandon something so you can be closer to him. Will you be like Simon Peter and simply do that little thing?

More to Explore: Philippians 3:7 – 9

Girl Talk: Are there things in your life you could let go of in order to better follow Jesus? Maybe it’s a bad habit, a negative attitude, or an activity that’s crowding your schedule. Give it up for God.

God Talk: “Jesus, please show me if there are things in my life I need to let go of in order to make more space for you. Give me the courage to do that. Amen.”

From That Is So Me by Nancy Rue