“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.’ ”

— Matthew 9:37 (NKJV)

Help Wanted!

Even if a farmer’s bumper crop of corn is ripe and the fields are full, he won’t have a harvest to sell unless plenty of workers run the machinery and get the crop to market. Jesus called the hurting people to whom he preached to a huge harvest, ready for picking. Many people needed a Savior, but few people were willing to teach others the good news.

Are there people in your neighborhood, among your relatives — even at home — who don’t know Jesus? This includes those you really like and those you don’t like. Every soul is precious to Christ — the meanest kid in your grade as well as the kindest one. Jesus said they are like scattered sheep without a Good Shepherd.

Telling people about Jesus often makes us uncomfortable. Will they put you down or think you’re crazy? They might. But it’s also possible they will consider you the best friend they’ve ever had for sharing this good news with them. Don’t put it off. Jesus said the harvest is ready NOW.

Pray and ask God if there is someone today he wants you to speak to. Ask God to give that person a heart to listen and to give you boldness to share. Help is wanted — you!

More to Explore: Luke 10:2

Girl Talk: Is there someone in your class or family that you would like to talk to about Jesus?

God Talk: “Lord, I know it’s important to tell your good news. I want to be courageous and talk to about you. Please help me to find the best way to tell them. Amen.”

From No Boys Allowed by Kristi Holl