“Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.”

— Proverbs 18:2

Hot Air

Some people (the Bible calls them fools) would rather tell their own views to anyone who will listen than understand the truth. The fool’s happiness is in listening to her own voice — not in understanding a matter. Often there is no truth to her opinions — just guesses and rumors — and when the truth comes out, she appears foolish.

Destiny met such a person when she befriended the new girl, Peni, who came to church. Destiny invited her to their youth group and over to her house to meet her friends from school. It wasn’t long before Destiny regretted knowing Peni. No matter what the group did, Peni dominated. She had strong opinions about everything, which she voiced loudly. Half the time she didn’t know what she was talking about. If Destiny questioned anything Peni said, Peni invented “facts” to support her opinions. She only ended up looking more foolish — and causing people to avoid her. Destiny talked to Peni, explaining kindly how her behavior was driving people away. Peni got angry, stormed off, and found another group of girls to air her opinions to.

Don’t be a girl who just talks to hear herself talk. Find out the truth and understand a situation before giving an opinion. And if you don’t understand a situation, silence is always golden!

More to Explore: Ecclesiastes 10:3

Girl Talk: Do you have pushy opinions about everything? Do you know someone who does? How do you deal with that person?

God Talk: “Lord, I like having my opinions matter, but help me remember that listening is even more important. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl