“Do not nurse hatred in your heart for any of your relatives.”

— Leviticus 19:17 (NLT)

Be Heart Smart

Your relatives might do things that you hate. Even so, don’t think about it all the time. The more you meditate on it — the more you replay the incidents in your mind — the more hate will grow.

Riley knew about hate. Although she spoke politely when face-to-face with her grandmother, her real feelings were another matter. “She’s ruining my life!” she told her mom. Grandma had gambled away her savings and then moved in with Riley’s family. Riley had to give up her bedroom and crowd in with her little sister. Grandma snapped at Riley about everything: her clothes, her friends, her music, her manners. She even complained that Riley’s room was too hot in the afternoon for her nap. “Then give me back my room and go home!” Riley yelled, finally snapping too. Riley — and her parents — were horrified at what she’d said. But Riley had been nursing hatred in her heart for months. It was bound to come out

What could Riley have done instead? What can you do if you have such negative feelings about someone? “When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins” (Mark 11:25 – 26 NIV).

More To Explore: 1 John 2:9

Girl Talk: Do you have to hide your real feelings about someone close to you? Have you asked God to help you get rid of those awful feelings?

God Talk: “Lord, I’m having a really hard time with right now. Please take away my anger and hate toward this person. Show me ways to be kind. Amen.”

From Shine On, Girl! by Kristi Holl