“Imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.”

— Hebrews 6:12

Promise to Be Patient

The Bible is full of promises for the believer, promises for peace, joy, love, friendship, rewarding work, and much more. It takes two things for these promises to come true. The first ingredient is faith: believing God’s Word. The second ingredient is patience.

Jillian’s best friend was moving away. They’d been best friends and next-door neighbors for five years, and Jillian was brokenhearted at the news. She claimed Psalm 147:3: “[God] heals the heartbroken and bandages their wounds” (MSG). She truly believed God would do that for her, but when a week went by and she still felt sad, she decided the promise didn’t work. Jillian was wrong. The promise is sure, and God’s Word can be counted on. Jillian had faith — but she was missing the ingredient of patience.

Patience is the ability to stay steady during the challenging storms of life. You usually have to wait a length of time before you receive your promise. It’s like planting a seed (your faith), then waiting for the harvest to appear.

Are you waiting for a promise of God in your life? Then practice both faith and patience. It’s a winning combination.

More to Explore: Romans 2:7

Girl Talk: How’s your patience level? Can you stick things out, or do you want things done right away?

God Talk: “Lord, it’s so hard to be patient. I really do want to wait for your perfect timing. Please help me stay calm and know you are taking care of everything. Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl