“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

— Hebrews 13:8 (NASB)

Jesus Never Goes Out of Style

Fashion trends change so quickly that sometimes they’re over before you’ve had the latest layered haircut or bought the coolest shoes or found that mini handbag in fake leather. Movies that are popular this year will be in the sale bin next year. The world is constantly shifting, but one person never changes: Jesus. He’s the same today as he’s always been, and he’ll be that way forever.

The more you read the Word of God, the more things you find out about Jesus. He’s the Good Shepherd guiding and protecting us; he’s the Great Physician healing us; he’s our Rock to stand firmly upon; he’s the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He loves children and wants them to come to him. He’s the Bread of Life. He always has been. He always will be.

Not all the people in our lives can be counted on like that. Friends move away or find new best friends. Favorite teachers and pastors retire. Sometimes parents leave, or a grandparent dies. In a world that is constantly changing, be thankful that Jesus is the same today as he always was — and that you can count on him for all your tomorrows. He has promised to never leave you, and (unlike people sometimes) he always tells the truth.

More to Explore: James 1:17

Girl Talk: Have you had changes happen to your body? How do you feel about these changes?

God Talk: “Lord, I know there will be changes all through my lifetime. Help me to look to you when changes come. Thank you for never changing. I love you. Amen.”

From No Boys Allowed by Kristi Holl