“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ ”

— Isaiah 30:21

Following the Paths of Righteousness

God promises to lead us and guide us when we don’t know what to do. If we are truly listening, we’ll hear that “still small voice” inside giving us sure directions.

Jill just found out that her friend Merissa copied her math homework and turned it in as her own. What should she do? Kyla has permission to sign up for one activity in the summer, but she loves both swimming and softball. Which one should she choose?

We all need to make decisions — big and little — many times each day. How do we know the right choices to make? The key is your relationship with God. The closer you are to him, the easier you will hear his voice and direction.

Hearing God clearly requires that we give up what we want and are willing to do what he wants. It takes time and calls for reading the Bible, patience, and prayer. If you’re willing to do these things consistently, you’ll find it much easier to hear God’s voice when you need guidance.

More to Explore: Psalms 143:8; 32:8

Girl Talk: Do you have times when you just don’t know what to do? Who do you turn to first? Is it God? Your mom? Your friend?

God Talk: “God, I have times when I don’t know what to do. Please guide me and show me what to do. You want what is best for me, and I thank you so much for that! Amen.”

From Girlz Rock by Kristi Holl