
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good . . .” Psalm 107:1a NIV

The Lord has been so good to me. He’s allowed me to live my dream of being a writer—and expanded that dream in unexpected ways. As I wrote Sadie and Erik’s story, I was encouraged and supported by many other people:

Rachel Hauck: Thank you for suggesting that I be part of the A Year of Weddings writing team. Your belief in me inspires me. Thank you, too, for helping me brainstorm A November Bride. You’re brilliant—have I mentioned that?

My family: With every acknowledgment I write, I realize again that I can never truly express the importance of my husband’s and my children’s support. They make the difference between writing and not writing for me. They understand writing is my dream-coming-true—and they cheer me on and pray for me as I pursue the doors God opens for me.

The Zondervan Team:

• Becky Philpott (editor)

• Karli Cajka (associate editor)

• Natalie Hanemann (freelance editor)

Thank you for your professionalism every step of the way as we produced A November Bride. It has been a delight working with all of you.

Rachelle Gardner: Thank you for always having my back. You answer my questions—even more, you anticipate my questions. Your representation is invaluable—and your friendship is a blessing.

Nate Huntley: I created a heroine who is a personal chef. The only problem is, I don’t spend that much time in the kitchen. Thank you for bringing all your culinary expertise to the rescue and answering all of my cooking questions, starting with “So, what should Sadie cook in this chapter?”

Melissa Christian (a.k.a. Mel): Thank you for helping me understand the Broadmoor Culinary Apprenticeship Program. I respect you and what you do more than you know!

The My Book Therapy Core Team: Led by the inspiring Susan May Warren, My Book Therapy’s “battle cry” is “Get Published. Stay Published.” I would add to that: Find lasting friendships that will encourage you along the writing road. With each book I write, I am reminded how much I have learned from My Book Therapy, and how thankful I am to be part of this talented team that includes:

• Rachel Hauck

• Reba Hoffman

• Lisa Jordan

• Michelle Lim

• Melissa Tagg

• Alena Tauriainen

• David Warren