Unpublished Sources Located in the Author’s Personal Files

Action Report, Commander in Chief, United States Pacific Fleet, Serial 0479, 15 February 1942, Report of Japanese Raid on Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941. Classified Operational Archives Branch, Naval History Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Morgan, Edward P. An Approach to the Question of Responsibility for the Pearl Harbor Disaster. This is the draft report which became the basis for the majority report of the joint congressional committee. Author’s files, courtesy Mr. Morgan.

Avery, Guy C. Letters to the author, November 4 and December 16, 1963.

Beatty, VADM. Frank E., USN (Ret.). “Secretary Knox and Pearl Harbor.” This article in altered form was published in National Review (December 13, 1966) under the title “The Background of the Secret Report.” Author’s files, courtesy Dr. Barnes.

Interview between Lt. Col. Henry C. Clausen and Dr. Harry E. Barnes, January 3, 1964. Author’s files, courtesy Dr. Barnes.

Earle, Mrs. John B. Letter to the author, October 16, 1964.

International Military Tribunal Sitting at Tokyo. Proceedings. Various interrogations and documents, author’s files.

Fielder, Brig. Gen. Kendall J. Notes for talk delivered before the Rotary Club in Honolulu on December 7, 1966. Author’s files, courtesy Fielder.

Fleming, Maj. Gen. Robert J., Jr. Reply, January 11, 1977, to questionnaire which the author submitted to General Fleming.

—–. Letter to the author, March 23, 1977.

Genda, Minoru. Report on Pearl Harbor prepared for the author, May 1947. Author’s files.

—–. “How the Japanese Task Force Idea Materialized,” essay prepared for the author. Author’s files.

Memorandum, “Interview With the President, 1425-1550, Monday June 9, 1941,” Navy Dept OP-12D-2-Mc, signed by Adm. H. E. Kimmel. Originally secret, since declassified., Navy History Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Kramer, Mrs. Alwin D. Letter to the author, undated, received March 23, 1976.

Affidavit of Otto Kuehn, 1 January 1942, Document No. 62562, Clerk of Court, US Army, Court of Military Records, Nassif Bldg., Falls Church, Va.

Record of Trial of Kuehn, Bernard Julius Otto, CM226070, Clerk of Court, US Army, Court of Military Records, Nassif Bldg., Falls Church, Va.

Materials Pertaining to Army Pearl Harbor Board, RG 107, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Record Group 165 (WD General and Special Staff), Plans and Operations Division, Pearl Harbor Investigative Records 1941-1946, National Archives, Washington, D.C.

Ohmae, Capt. Toshikazu. Report on the Midway Neutralization Unit. Author’s files.

—–. Combined Fleet Task Force Organization, 7 December 1941; The Battle Order of the Japanese Fleet Prior to 7 December 1941, with Dates of Departure and Arrival of Major Units. Author’s files.

Oi, Capt. Atsushi. “The Japanese Navy in 1941,” essay prepared for the author.

Outerbridge, W. W. Report, DD139/A16-3/(759), Classified Operational Archives Branch, Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Ozawa, VADM. Jisaburo. Outline Development of Tactics and Organization of the Japanese Carrier Air Force, prepared for the author.

Memorandum, November 16, 1944, by Charles Rugg, of conversation between Rugg and Justice Roberts held November 14 and 15, 1944. Author’s files, courtesy of Dr. Barnes.

Shibuya, Capt. Tatsuwaka. “Submarine Activities in Pearl Harbor,” study prepared for the author.

Shimizu, VADM. Mitsumi. Statement of July 21, 1969, based upon his diary for 1941, prepared for the author.

Smith-Hutton, Capt. Henri H. USN (Ret.). Letter to the author, July 20, 1973.

Study, “Some Considerations Concerning the Basic Defense Doctrine of Oahu,” Air Force Historical Section, Maxwell AFB, Ala.

Van Kuren, Benjamin. “Report of Police Activities in Connection with the Japanese Consulate Subsequent to December 7th, 1941 and up to February 8th, 1942,” February 13, 1943. Author’s files, courtesy General Fielder.

Interview between Adm. William H. Standley and Dr. Harry E. Barnes, June 1, 1962. Author’s files, courtesy Dr. Barnes.

“Supplemental Battle Report, Capt R. B. Simons, USN, Commanding USS RALEIGH, 7 December, 1951.” Author’s files, courtesy Admiral Simons.

Smedberg, VADM. W. R., III. Comments to the author, July 27, 1977.

Taussig, Joseph K., Jr. Letter to the author, January 8, 1963.

Uchida, Cmdr. Shigeshi L. Unpublished notes. Author’s files, courtesy Capt. Uchida.

Wellborn, VADM. Charles, Jr. Comments to the author, August 10, 1977.

—–. Letter, July 26, 1977 to the author.

“Mr. X”. Comments on this study prepared for the author.


(Some of these diaries have been published in whole or in part; however, the author worked exclusively from the unpublished versions)

RADM. Sadao Chigusa (courtesy Admiral Chigusa)

James V. Forrestal, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J.

Marquis Koichi Kido

Breckenridge Long, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.

VADM. Chuichi Nagumo (courtesy Mrs. Nagumo)

RADM. Giichi Nakahara (courtesy Admiral Nakahara)

Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura (courtesy Admiral Nomura)

Capt. Sadamu Sanagi (courtesy Captain Sanagi)

Henry L. Stimson, Yale University Library, New Haven, Conn.

RADM. Matome Ugaki

War diaries of First Destroyer Division; Third Battleship Division; Fifth Carrier Division

Collected Papers

Gen. of the Air Force H. H. Arnold, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Harry Elmer Barnes, University of Wyoming Library, Laramie, Wyo.

RADM. Claude C. Bloch, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Stephen T. Early, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Part, N.Y.

James V. Forrestal, Princeton University Library, Princeton, N.J.

RADM. William R. Furlong, Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Adm. Thomas C. Hart, Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Cmdr. Charles C. Hiles, University of Wyoming Library, Laramie, Wyo.

Harry Hopkins, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.

Stanley K. Hornbeck, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, Calif.

Cordell Hull, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

RADM. Husband E. Kimmel, University of Wyoming Library, Laramie, Wyo.

Fleet Adm. Ernest J. King, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Fleet Adm. Ernest J. King, Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Frank Knox, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Gen. of the Army George C. Marshall, George C. Marshall Research Foundation, Lexington, Va. Xerox copies of official records in National Archives, WDCSA SGS (Secretariat) (1939-1941).

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, N.Y.

Maj. Gen. Walter C. Short, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, Calif.

Adm. William H. Standley, University of Southern California Library, Los Angeles, Calif.

Adm. Harold R. Stark, Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Robert A. Taft, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

Adm. Richmond Kelly Turner, Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

RADM. Yasuji Watanabe, courtesy of Admiral Watanabi.

Taped Reminiscences

Maj. Gen. Robert J. Fleming, Jr., March 7 and 31, 1975, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, Calif.

Adm. Thomas C. Hart, Oral Research History Office, Columbia University, New York; transcript in Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Adm. H. Kent Hewitt, Oral Research History Office, Columbia University, New York; transcript in Operational Archives, U.S. Naval Historical Division, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

Official Primary Sources

Japanese Monograph No. 102, Submarine Operations, December 1941-April 1942, prepared by Military History Section, Headquarters, Army Forces Far East, Tokyo, Japan. Author’s files.

Congressional Record, Volumes 87-104. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1941-58.

Hearings Before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, Congress of the United States, Seventy-ninth Congress, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1946.

Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in the United States. Hearings Before a Special Committee on Un-American Activities, House of Representatives, Seventy-seventh Congress, First Session, on H. Res. 282, Appendix VI, Report on Japanese Activities, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1942.

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(Mr. X) Untitled, anonymous article in Chicago Tribune special supplement of December 7, 1966.

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St. Louis Star-Times

St. Paul Pioneer Press

Salt Lake Tribune (Salt Lake City, Utah)

San Antonio Express

San Francisco Chronicle

San Francisco Daily Commercial News

San Francisco Examiner

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Seattle Times

Sioux City Journal

South Side Journal (St. Louis, Mo.)

Springfield Union

Stars and Stripes

The State (Columbia, S.C.)

Stockton (Calif.) Daily Evening Record

The Straits Budget (Singapore)

Tacoma News-Tribune

Toledo Blade

Topeka Capital

Tucson Daily Citizen

Tulsa Daily Oklahoman

Tulsa Daily World

Tulsa Tribune

Wall Street Journal (New York, N.Y.)

Washington Daily News

Washington Evening Star

Washington News Digest

Washington Post

Washington Times-Herald

Wheeling News-Register

Wilmington (Del.) Evening Journal

Wilmington (Del.) Morning News

Wisconsin State Journal (Madison)

Women’s Voice (Chicago)

Wyoming State Tribune—Cheyenne State Leader



Capt. Fumio Aiko

Maj. Gen. Brooke E. Allen

Capt. Takahisa Amagai

Mrs. Mitsutaro Araki

Capt. Takayasu Arima

Dr. Harry Elmer Barnes

Capt. John R. Beardall, Jr.

CWO-4 Edgar B. Beck

Col. George W. Bicknell

Adm. Claude C. Bloch

Col. Rufus S. Bratton

RADM. William P. Burford

Mrs. William P. Burford

Cmdr. Masataka Chihaya

Lt. Col. Henry C. Clausen

VADM. Charles F. Coe

Gen. J. Lawton Collins

Mrs. Frank Cooper

John Crawford

Capt. Paul C. Crosley

Adm. Maurice E. Curts

Maj. Gen. Howard C. Davidson

Adm. Arthur C. Davis

Col. Charles W. Davis

Mrs. Charles W. Davis

Cleveland Davis

VADM. Walter DeLany

Rep. Martin Dies

Col. William E. Donegan

RADM. Milo F. Draemel

Brig. Gen. Robert H. Dunlop

Capt. Robert H. Dunlop, Jr.

VADM. George C. Dyer

Mrs. John B. Earle

Mrs. Stephen T. Early

Capt. Walter J. East

Mrs. Walter J. East

Lt. Tomatsu Ema

Juju Enomoto

Capt. Ruth A. Erickson

Col. William C. Farnum

Maj. Gen. William E. Farthing

Brig. Gen. Kendall J. Fielder

RADM. Carl K. Fink

Maj. Gen. Robert J. Fleming, Jr.

Brig. Gen. William J. Flood

CPO Thomas E. Forrow

CWO Alton W. Freeman

Howard C. French

Capt. Mitsuo Fuchida

Lt. Iyozo Fujita

VADM. Shigeru Fukudome

RADM. William Rea Furlong

Capt. Minoru Genda

Judge Gerhard A. Gesell

Sen. Guy M. Gillette

Lt. Cmdr. Jinichi Goto

Capt. Lawrence C. Grannis

Ambassador Joseph C. Grew

Lt. Col. Francis Gutzak

VADM. Chuichi Hara

Cmdr. Toshio Hashimoto

Col. Takushiro Hattori

Col. Allen Haynes

Mrs. Allen Haynes

Capt. William H. Heydt

Lt. Gen. Charles D. Herron

Cmdr. Dermott Hickey

Capt. Wilfred J. Holmes

RADM. Teikichi Hori

VADM. Zenshiro Hoshina

Capt. Kijiro Imaizumi

VADM. Shigeyoshi Inoue

Cmdr. Susumu Ishiguro

Capt. Seiroku Ito

Cmdr. Doir C. Johnson

RADM. Takatsugu Jojima

Capt. Iwao Kawai

Mrs. Charles A. Kengla

RADM. Husband E. Kimmel

RADM. Kaneji Kishimoto

Capt. Keizo Komura

Adm. Nobutake Kondo

RADM. Kameto Kuroshima

VADM. Ryunosuke Kusaka

Lt. Gen. Truman H. Landon

RADM. Edwin T. Layton

Col. Emil Leard

Mrs. Emil Leard

Capt. Kosei Maeda

Maj. Gen. Morrill W. Marston

Adm. Harold M. Martin

Shigeharu Matsumoto

Lt. Heita Matsumura

RADM. Arthur H. McCollum

VADM. Gunichi Mikawa

RADM. Hisashi Mito

Capt. Tatsukichi Miyo

Shuichi “George” Mizota

Brig. Gen. James E. Mollison

Edward P. Morgan

Curtis B. Munson

RADM. Katsuhei Nakamura

Earl C. Nightingale

Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz

Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura

RADM. Kanji Ogawa

Capt. Kyozo Ohashi

Capt. Toshikazu Ohmae

Capt. Atsushi Oi

Otojiro Okuda

RADM. Sentaro Omori

Capt. Sutegiro Onoda

Cmdr. Inao Otani

RADM. William W. Outerbridge

VADM. Jisaburo Ozawa

RADM. Harold F. Pullen

RADM. Allen G. Quynn

CPO Harry Rafsky

RADM. Logan C. Ramsey

Col. Vernon H. Reeves

David Richmond

RADM. Cecil D. Riggs

Cmdr. Joseph J. Rochefort

Adm. George A. Rood

RADM. Laurence A. Ruff

Cmdr. Goro Sakagami

Lt. Kazuo Sakamaki

Brig. Gen. George P. Sampson

Capt. Sadamu Sanagi

Capt. Akira Sasaki

RADM. Hanku Sasaki

Capt. Naohira Sata

VADM. Yorio Sawamoto

Lt. Col. J. Bayard Schindel

Lt. Gen. Alan Shapley

Duane W. Shaw

Capt. Tatsuwaka Shibuya

Lt. Yoshio Shiga

Adm. Mitsumi Shimizu

Capt. Hisao Shimoda

RADM. James M. Shoemaker

Lt. Cmdr. Harley F. Smart

VADM. William Ward Smith

Mrs. William Ward Smith

Capt. Henri H. Smith-Hutton

Adm. Raymond A. Spruance

Capt. Eijiro Suzuki

Capt. Suguru Suzuji

Capt. Itaru Tachibana

RADM. Sokichi Takagi

Adm. Sankichi Takahashi

H.I.H. RADM. Prince Takamatsu (through Cmdr. Chihaya)

Mitsuari Takamura

Lt. Irvin H. Thesman

Col. Kenneth E. Thiebaud

Col. Russell C. Throckmorton

RADM. Minoru Togo

Adm. Soemu Toyoda

Adm. Harold C. Train

Adm. Nishizo Tsukahara

Lt. Yuzo Tsukamoto

RADM. Dundas P. Tucker

Grace Tully

Lt. Col. Kermit Tyler

Capt. Shigeshi Uchida

Capt. Yasuji Watanabe

James E. Webb

VADM. Charles Wellborn, Jr.

Maj. Gen. Durward S. Wilson

Mrs. Durward S. Wilson

Lt. Sadao Yamamoto

Adm. Katsunoshin Yamanashi

RADM. Shikazo Yano

Capt. Tadao Yokoi

Capt. Minoru Yokota

RADM. Ichiro Yokoyama

Adm. Zengo Yoshida

Takeo Yoshikawa

Cmdr. Chuichi Yoshioka

Mrs. Cassin B. Young

In addition to the above, a number who granted Dr. Prange interviews requested anonymity.


The following submitted written statements in lieu of or in addition to personal interviews:

Lt. Cmdr. Heijiro Abe

Lt. Cmdr. Zenji Abe

Capt. Minoru Genda

VADM. Chuichi Hara

Lt. Takashi Hashiguchi

Col. Takushiro Hattori

Lt. Masanobu Ibusuki

Lt. Cmdr. Takemi Iwami

Lt. Ichiro Kitajima

Lt. Heita Matsumura

Lt. Cmdr. Iwakichi Mifuku

First Petty Officer Kazuo Muranaka

Lt. Tamotsu Nakajima

Lt. Keizo Ofuchi

Lt. Kiyokuma Okajima

Otojiro Okuda

Lt. Yoshikazu Sato

Lt. Yoshio Shiga

Adm. Mitsumi Shimizu

Lt. Saburo Shindo

Capt. Itaru Tachibana

Lt. Haruo Takeda

Cmdr. Hiroshi Uwai