Ridge’s eyes lit up as the message came across his PM. He never thought he’d met this woman already. Still, somehow, he did it through the marketing firm that helped him advertise his businesses throughout New York and the California areas and smattering in other cities across the country. And she didn’t get that he was supposed to meet with her boss today to discuss different marketing ideas for The Plaza. Now that he knew she was involved with his account, he planned on making her simply sit in on the meeting. It would be the perfect excuse to be with her without her being pressured to meet him at his club tonight. Because if he were being honest with himself, he would have pressed on seeing her tonight if he wasn’t blessed with the rare opportunity of seeing her this morning.

The morning hours seemed to stretch into eternity. Of course, it didn’t help that it was only eight in the morning, and their meeting wasn’t until ten. Anticipation, or rather, experiencing the nervousness of the wait, had never happened to Ridge before. Not once did the concept of time enter his mind because time didn’t concern him as an immortal. He always had a ton. But now that he had to wait till almost lunch to see her, everything was different.
He could finally head into the building for his 10 AM appointment. As he came off the elevator, he asked the receptionist for Parker Smith. Within seconds, Parker walked out of his office to greet him. The man appeared to be growing a goatee. His green eyes were more of a muted tone this morning, and his skin tone looked more ashen than the rosy tone he remembered the red-haired Irishman to have. After a brief handshake, Parker led him back to his private office.
“It’s good to see you again, Ridge. I’m glad you came in to discuss strategy, and I have some wonderful new ideas I want to run by you.”
“Oh? I’m glad I came in, too, then. How are things with you? How’s the wife?” He asked as he looked around the sparsely decorated office.
“The wife is currently boning the lawyer trying to get over 50% of my net worth for the divorce,” Parker said with a frown.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Are the proceedings almost over at least?”
“I’ve got about another week of negotiations—maybe more if she continues to be stubborn about it. Frankly, she can keep the damned house. I don’t want it because I won’t be able to afford the taxes once she’s done squeezing every cent from me. All I really want is the dog and my bikes. But she’s giving me hell with the dog. Thank God we didn’t have kids because this would have been much worse. I guess my hindsight was good in this situation.”
“I can see that you are in a tough spot. I hope things go well.” Ridge looked around the office. “Where are the staff for this project?”
“The staff? Um, normally I handle talking with the clients, and then I delegate to the staff what you’d like to—”
“Nonsense! Let’s invite the staff to this one! I’ve been doing business with you for a while, and I honestly don’t know everyone handling my accounts. I’d like to change that.”
Parker’s face turned pale.
“Uh, okay, but the only one in today is your account manager. I keep staff to just management on Mondays. Easier with payroll and days off. Her name is Poppy. Poppy Lee. Pretty sure you have talked with her on the phone a few times already.”
“Yes, I have! And perfect! I was hoping to meet with her today. I’d like to get her input on this new project I’d like to do a campaign for. It’s not every day that you plan a large gala event with a live and silent auction. And I want all my proceeds to go towards Alzheimer’s research. You are the best at what you do, Parker. But you are the best because of who you have hired.” Ridge said with a wink. “Please invite Ms. Lee in?”
“Very well. Give me one moment.” Parker said as he put his desk phone to his ear and dialed a few numbers on the keypad. “Hey, Poppy. Can you come to my office, please?”
Ridge smiled as Parker said the words. He didn’t know her well, but he knew enough to understand she was passionate about her job and that she would never turn down a client’s desires. That tone came through on the phone.
“Uh, sure. But aren’t you with a client? I don’t want to disturb you if you are.”
“The client would like to meet with you, Ms. Lee.”
“Well, in that case, I’ll be right there.”
Within a few quick seconds, the clicking of her pumps filled the hallway. Once she entered the room, Ridge needed to shift in his seat to hide the growing erection in his lap when she opened the door. She had the most perfect body, curves that wouldn’t stop, and a great chest that was probably a 34 triple D. He wouldn’t be entirely sure of the size until he held them in his palms. The thought made his dick ache. Her legs were long, and a fantasy of them wrapped around his waist while he pressed her up against the office door rushed through his mind.
“Hi,” she said with an extended hand and a broad smile. “I’m Poppy Lee. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mister?”
Ridge instantly grasped her dainty hand and brought her knuckles to his lips. Heat rushed through him the instant his lips contacted her soft skin, and that heat rushed to his dick again. He hoped his blazer hid most of his erection, which felt like it was pitching a tent and staying for the long haul. He couldn’t have his way with her yet, but he hoped she’d one day allow him to.
“The pleasure is all mine, Poppy. I’m Mr. Ridge Turner.”
Her face went white as he uttered his name and smiled at the sight. During this meeting, his playful side wanted to make her weak and wet between her thighs. He was determined to put out all the stops after catching the slightest hint of her beautiful feminine scent. The subtle scent alone made his cock twitch, and he wanted nothing more than to have his nostrils get a better fill.
“Oh. Ridge. Ridge Turner. It is very nice to meet you in person, finally.” She said at an almost clip of her voice. Her eyes were not readable because she looked away from him the minute she released her hand from his grip. But he noticed the pronounced gulp her throat made while choking out her words to him.
“I’m finally glad to meet you in person too, Ms. Poppy Lee. I asked you here because I’d like The Plaza to take a slightly different turn in the next few months. The holidays are coming, and I think you can help spearhead this charity campaign I’m planning.”
“I’m flattered that you think this highly of me, but my boss can tell you I’m more of a behind-the-scenes gal.” She lowered her gaze to the floor. “I’m far better at computer work.”
Ridge winced at the gesture and truly wanted to cup her face so she’d meet his gaze. She is not a subordinate, and he wouldn’t allow a woman as beautiful and brilliant as Poppy to consider herself anything less than his equal.
“Do you not handle all the budgeting for my businesses, as you told me last week on the phone? And do you not set up all the social media promotions?”
His jaw clenched in anticipation of her retort. He didn’t like her apparent self-conscious display and figured it had a lot to do with her boss, that clearly didn’t understand her potential. The man was practically seething at his desk. Overtaken by the deliberated attention Poppy was getting from Ridge.
“Well, yes.” Her head tilted slightly higher than the floor, but her eyes still weren’t meeting his gaze.
“Do you also handle all the graphics and the slogans used for promotional purposes?”
His tone was sharp, and his gaze was now on Parker to see if the man had any chivalry for the women before him.
“Not all of them. Parker sends me a lot of the slogan verbiage, and I just put the words with the pretty pictures to form the ad. I also handle them when the slogans are too long, and I have more experience than most. Basically, I make them pretty with a graphic that works for the saying. I’m not doing anything special.”
Her eyes finally met his, and they sparkled, but it was only a fleeting moment before she turned away again.
“Then it is settled. You will be present for this meeting and all future ones I will need for this planned gala event.”
Poppy’s eyes finally locked onto his, but they looked like they would fall out of their sockets.
“Okay, um, okay! I just need to go get my laptop. I didn’t bring it because I didn’t think I’d be taking any notes. Would anyone like any coffee while I’m out to get my laptop? Maybe a danish or something too?”
Her eyes were darker and excited, but they were still not meeting him as they should be because she was his equal and not a danish girl.
“I’m certain Parker has a personal assistant that can get us all coffee. You just worry about retrieving your laptop from your office.” Ridge said as he locked eyes with Parker again.
Parker winced slightly and then fumbled with the phone on his desk to ask his secretary to bring in a coffee and danish tray.
In all his years of existence, Ridge had hoped that the men of this era would treat their women as equals. However, it was apparent that they still expected women to care for the male species. And this time, it seemed to be in more degrading ways than he remembered when he was human.
Ridge felt sorry for Poppy because she seemed to be in a time where even her boss thought she should dote on any man of importance. At least when Ridge was human, they only expected the women to dote on their fathers or their husbands. Not both. And indeed, not an employer, too. The longer he spent in the human world, the more he wished to return to a simpler time as a vampire. A time when he could treat Poppy as the queen she deserved to be.
There was a knock at the door before Poppy entered again. Ridge frowned at the gesture. He didn’t think she would need to be this formal with her boss. She was so articulate when they were talking the night before. Her spelling and grammar were impeccable, something you don’t usually see in humans today. She clearly was a go-getter, and he hoped he could help her see herself in the way he did. She had enough brains to run far more than this gala he was proposing. Frankly, Parker might be with one less employee if he wasn’t careful. Because before this project was done, Ridge promised to snatch Poppy up for himself as his own PR person.
Poppy opened up her laptop and started to type.
“Okay! So, since I heard you wanted a gala, you are probably looking to do a fundraiser at this event?”
“Yes, Ms. Lee, I am. I want a live and silent auction for this, and I’d like as many donations as possible. Obviously, I’d also like some high-end ones to entice bids.”
“Of course! How long do I have to acquire these gifts for the auction? I’d need at least six months to get some decent ones from bigger vendors, but I’ll work with your timeline as best as possible. I also have a great program that can catalog each item for us. The one I am familiar with I used for a school auction, and it’s called Bidding For Good. That specific site is for nonprofits, so I’ll start looking at other options for your event.”
“You worked for a school at one point in your career? Excellent! I knew you’d be an asset to this event! I’d like to plan to have the event around the holidays. People enjoy spending extra during the season of giving.”
“It may be difficult to book a hall for such an event so soon.”
“I have more than a few connections, and I’m not too concerned with booking a hall. Worst-case scenario, we can have it at my house. I’ll leave you to your initial work with site planning and drawing up a budget. Money isn’t an object, so please plan this with what you think we will need, and you can brief me on your progress over dinner tonight at Gotham. Is six good?”
Poppy’s eyes widened.
“Um, Mr. Turner, thank you for the invitation, but Gotham is slightly out of my price range. Putting it mildly, I’m more of a beer budget person rather than champagne.” She said as heat rushed to her cheeks.
“This is my treat. Is six, okay?”
“Um, sure. Six is good.” She looked over at Parker, who had his mouth open.
“Would you like me to make the reservations for three, Mr. Turner?” Parker asked as he picked up his phone.
“That won’t be necessary, Parker. The manager and I are on a first-name basis. I’ll make arrangements with him, and the reservation will be for two. Poppy will handle a lot for me these next few months, and I’d like to butter her up beforehand.” Ridge said with a smile. “It’s the least I can do for such talent.”