With gratitude to all who gave me floors on which to sleep and drove me places (1995-1997), including but not limited to: the Adelmans, SE Barnet, Dani Bedau, Nancy Braver, Megan Cash, Iumari Castillo, Bill Carmean, Mark Donato, Ben Donenberg, Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, the Fryers, Piper Gray, George and Beverly Grider, Phillip Hollahan, Nancy Lynn Howell, Steve Itano, Laura Kaminker, Mike King, Lyuba Konopasek, Jim and Ernie Lafky, Mark Lerner, Jennifer India Scott and Kerin Lifland, Jane Littman, Kent Matricardi, Jamie Mayer, Kelly Meech, Jim and Sally Oldham, Karen Parrott, Meg Richman, the Rosses, Mady Schutzman, Stewart Schwartz, Benjamin Shykind, Janet Steen, Heidi Swedberg, Jim Taylor, Cathy Vibert, Hope Windle, Cintra Wilson, Allan Wood; also Amanda, Ella, Smuj, Zachary, and Zinky.

Thanks to my editors and friends: Richard Abate, Tobin Anderson and Vincent Standley of 3rd Bed, Matt Ashare, Caeri Bertrand, Matthew Berube, Paul Coleman and Jef Czekaj of Sinkcharmer, Steve Connell and Katherine Spielmann of Verse Chorus Press, Andee Connors, Tom Devlin of Highwater Books, Chuck Eddy, Jon Garelick, Richard Gehr, Ira Glass, Carter Hasegawa, Stephen Heuser, Erik Huber, Andrew Hulktrans, Jessica Hundley, Jonathan Lethem, Michaelangelo Matos, Sia Michel, Natalie Nichols, Heidi-Anne Noel, Matt Poitras of Buch Spieler, Pamela Polston, Jay Ruttenberg of the Lowbrow Reader, Steve Salardino and Garret Scullin of Skylight Books, Ben Schafer, Geoff Shandler, Jill Stauffer of H2SO4, Alison True, Adam and Joy Voith, Eric Weisbard.

I love you, Hannah.