Dear Reader,
Thank you so much for reading MATCH PLAY, Book 2 of the Last Chance, Inc. saga. I hope you loved Mitchell!
The character of Emily is loosely based on my friends’ daughter. Hillary had Down syndrome and was a shining light in the world. When I get hopeless about humanity (yeah, I’m a writer,) I think about Hillary. She was funny and kind, and she loved her parents and her boyfriend. She participated in several Special Olympics. She was also an adult who liked a glass of wine. Her motto was “Love wins.” When Hillary passed away from a pulmonary embolism, her parents had three funerals in three different states because thousands of people knew Hillary and wanted to mourn her together. I modified the motto for Emily because Hillary was one of kind. May she rest in love forever, and may we all aspire to bring so much love into the world.
Thank you also to MONICA MATTHEWS, who won the Romancing the Vote auction to have her name in my romance novel. The character is not based on her, but the character bears her name to honor Monica for her generous contribution to Romancing the Vote.
And thank you, dear reader, for reading this book.
Before you go, there’s so many more Billionaires in Disguise to love!
I write books described as “THRILLERS THAT BANG,” which are suspenseful, plot-twisty thrillers with a hefty serving of spice.
If you’re new to my books, the Last Chance series is part of the overall Billionaires in Disguise (BID) world. Each individual mini-series stands by itself, so look for the “Book #1” in each set. Some are collected in boxed sets, so keep an eye out for those collections. I’ve written over 50 books in the greater BID universe and have no intention of stopping anytime soon, so you have lots of books to fall in love with!
The chronological reading list is here at my website, https://
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Thank you again for reading.
Blair Babylon