I hope you will bear with me if I take you again for a little ride into my past, because it has some bearing on the extraordinary tale that I am going to unfold for you, and also because I have an affection for what has been. I am not the only one. Does it not say in Ecclesiastes 3.15: ‘For that which is past is now, and that which is to be hath already been, and God requireth that which is past’? It seems to me the past is the only thing that assures you that you really do exist. The present is all too self-consuming. It eats time and never gets any fatter.
I could recite nearly the whole of the Bible once, in Latin. When I was sent away to the monastery I wanted to go because I had an interest in medicine at the time, still have to some extent, and I had a mind to learn. I had heard that an abbey beyond L’Aigle on the road to Montreuil, about thirty miles from my home, was a place where the new teaching brought by the Jews from Spain had filtered through. It was the best place in Normandy for mathematics as well as doctoring and had a strong connection with the medical school in Montpellier. These were the weapons – mathematics and medicine, rather than the sword and the lance – that were going to make my fortune, and of course there was Latin to be learned, the language of scholars and men on the make. I was precocious in those days. Now my future is all behind me.
I was persistent enough to bring the Abbey of Saint-Sulpice to my mother’s attention. She brought it to my father’s, so in the end they sent me there, though my mother wept when I left, as did I. It was a hard place in many ways. The endless round of services – from Lauds starting before first light, to Matins at midnight, said as we kneeled in front of our beds in the dormitory – seemed designed to put a boy off a life of holiness rather than encourage it. Not that I was interested in a life of holiness at the time; the blood ran warm in those cold days.
The food for novices was anything the Brothers didn’t want to eat themselves, often gristle and slops. Later, I made friends with Brother Gilbert, the cook, who also came from my county of Perche and didn’t need bribing with a feel up my tunic. I don’t pretend to be perfect. I would have let him have a grope for a loaf and a slice of bacon. It isn’t so bad if you don’t make a habit of it. That is a monk joke. We used to have a number of those. The trouble with masturbation is that it can get out of hand. And so on, and so on.
The bone-chipping cold in my stone cell, the beatings when I transgressed or was idle, the advances of some of the too-friendly brothers (especially Brother Thomas), were all tribulations, but on the positive side, I was taught to read. And what made my stay at Saint-Sulpice even more useful than literacy and Latin, music and medicine, was the new mathematics.
The old Jew, who taught me good manners, had brought knowledge up from the south, and was also a mathematician. It was he who showed me the new numerals of the Arabs which he had learnt in Castile and which made the Roman numbers seem cumbersome and slow – and what’s more he taught me how to use them. Brother Paul made me put one set of the old Roman numbers on top of a lesser one, told me to take away the lesser from the larger, and then when I had juggled all those Vs and Xs and Cs and Ds and Ms, he showed how much simpler it was to do it with the new Arabic numbers. After that we did addition, and I discovered how to put the Arab numbers together to make a larger sum in half the time. And so on with multiplication and division. Multiplication I had previously found a graveyard littered with those Roman letters which passed for numbers. And division had been even worse.
Best of all, since I was acquiring a strong persuasion that the way to be happy was to be rich, Brother Paul showed me how these new numerals made tallying much easier. I could see a future in that.
‘Do not call it tallying, that is for peasants and those who still use the abacus,’ said the old Jew. ‘You keep these figures on a slate or, if you are rich, on vellum. You write everything down. One side of beef … three silver pennies. You must have a record of transactions if you are to control your trade and your life. And when you are rich don’t forget old Saul who taught you that.’
‘I shall not forget you, Brother,’ I told him, and I meant it.
My head was astir with the possibilities of these new numbers which were so strange and yet so simple compared with the old Roman way. He talked about using these new numbers in a science the Greeks know as geometry and in an even stranger invention of the Arabs, a science hardly known in this country, called al-gebra which in time he would show me.
That said, he looked me solemnly in the eye.
‘And now,’ he said, ‘I am going to show you a wonder.’
‘What is it?’ I asked him. ‘Is it a trick with powder and fire? Or a way to turn iron into gold?
He took a piece of charcoal and drew a circle on the table.
‘There,’ he said. ‘This is what you need to make the heavens themselves seem small.’
‘A circle?’ I exclaimed. ‘Is it a magic circle into which you can lure spirits?’
‘It is a magic circle, certainly, though I cannot speak for the spirits. But you yourself can perform miracles with it.’
‘What is it?’ I asked again, wishing to be great very soon.
‘It is nothing,’ he told me, gravely. ‘It is naught. It is zero. It is the greatest invention of the Arabs. But it is truly not even theirs – they borrowed it from the Indians.’
‘Nothing? I can’t see what use nothing can be. You are joking. Or perhaps you have been hoodwinked. I have heard naught like it.’
‘Naught with an a is a word but nought with an o is a figure – a circle with nothing inside it,’ he told me. ‘It is not just nothing – though it is the symbol for nothing which neither the Romans nor the Greeks had thought of. It is also the symbol of magnitude, of increasing any given figure by the power of ten if it is written behind it. Thus 6, the new Arabic number for the Roman VI, becomes 60 if we put a zero after it.’
I began to see what he was driving at.
‘And 3 becomes 30…’ I said, writing the figures down as he had shown me.
‘And what if I put a nought after the nought?’ he asked.
I was puzzled by that. I had never seen figures of this kind.
‘If these were Roman numerals,’ he said, ‘it would be like multiplying by X every time you put 0 behind a number.’
‘Why,’ I exclaimed, ‘30 multiplied by ten becomes 300. And 300 times ten is 3000. And...’
My head was spinning with the size of these figures.
‘He drew a few random figures to show me, announcing their quantities as he went.
‘Copy these new numbers out,’ he continued ‘1 to 9, and play with them, sprinkle the noughts around and see what figures you make! And the only one you cannot make is infinity. That is God’s number.’
We had been able to calculate before but never with such simple means! I felt the power of the new knowledge surging through me; I was sure it had been looking for me as its vessel, not this scrawny old Jew, decent man and scholar that he was. Where would I be without him? But if I wasn’t careful, he would go and blurt it out to the world.
‘Don’t tell anyone about this,’ I urged him. ‘We should keep it to ourselves. Magic stops being magic if everyone knows it.’
‘You cannot hold back the spread of knowledge,’ the old man told me, gravely. ‘You might as well try to stop the Eure with a shrimping net. With these Arab numbers and the Hindu one for zero, any number can be written and the universe is within man’s grasp. Keep it to yourself? It would be like keeping the secret of perfect proportion. No, no. This method is for mankind, not just for you.
‘And do not be condescending or proud about nothing, for nothing is an absence of something and pregnant with possibility. Something itself can be dull, boring, flat and lumpen, but nothing is the creative state from which all things arose. Try to get back to it sometimes.’
Eccentric as I thought he was, I promised that I would do so if I could, and he went on to tell me more about the Arabs, how they had built castles all over Spain, in stone, when the French were still building with wood and earth. It was said that they had learned the art from the Byzantines.
‘I hope you are not going to ask me to build a castle with you,’ I asked him.
He chuckled. ‘I would do it,’ he said, ‘if we had the time and the implements. I have an idea about rounding off the edges of castle towers to make them less vulnerable, but we will have to sit on that for a while. The Normans love their square towers … Oh, and there is another thing I have to show you. Something the Arabs do with wine. They heat it and distil it in a retort over fire until a pure essence comes out of it which they call alcohol. See! Smell this.’
He reached across and put a small glass bottle into my hand. I took the stopper out and sniffed. A sweet and volatile aroma came out unlike anything I had smelt before.
‘Taste it,’ he said.
I put a little on my finger which I raised to my mouth. It stung my tongue and lips, and tasted fiery.
‘Ouch. Mmm. What do they use it for?’ I asked.
‘For fragrant attars and essences of flowers; for anything that needs to be perfectly clean; for medicine; for preserving small animals or anything that is to be kept; and of course it can make you, very quickly, perfectly inebriated.’
‘But you told me the Mussulmen do not drink wine…’
‘They use this liquor for other purposes.’
‘Did you make it yourself?’ I asked. ‘Is this the fire-water?’
‘Yes, but you must not talk about it yet. There is a time for things. I have used it several times on injuries in the sickroom, to clean the wounds. It is a powerful thing, and needs to be kept carefully.’
‘But you told me knowledge was to be shared?’ I said, impertinently.
‘Not if it can also do harm and make men sick,’ he told me, reprovingly.
I promised him that I would not speak of any of this unless he wished it. He was a good man and a good friend to me, and he had given me much to think about. Time passed pleasantly enough in the abbey infirmary where I worked with Brother Paul. We were excused everything but the major services which usually amounted to three a day, and those during the hours of daylight and evening, not in the shivering midnight of Matins and the early morning Lauds. While we were not tending the ill or infirm, we spoke of mathematics and medicine and distillation and siege engines but never of women, which was a subject I also wanted to investigate. I managed to find a girl in the village when I was sent out to take a nostrum to the sick. She showed me the rudiments – and very rudiment they were – but I could see that Brother Paul disapproved. I was ready for the world, chafing at the predictability of abbey life, but there seemed to be no way out of it, until the message from my father arrived on the eve of my twenty-first birthday.
The Abbot wished me well and gave me a little silver for my journey, and some useful precepts which I am sorry to say I have forgotten. Then I went to say goodbye to Brother Paul. He embraced me and presented me with a portable chest into which he had placed sundry dried herbs and several unguents in sealed bottles, along with a leather-bound missal he had made and inscribed. I quickly established it to be a medicinal missal not a religious one: notes, ingredients and decoctions in al-cohol to help cure common ailments and one or two more complicated ones.
‘Pray God you never have to bore into a man’s skull,’ he said, ‘but if you do, you will find instructions here. It is an operation more frequently needed than you might think in these days of war.’
Enclosed among its pages was a single piece of vellum on which he had written various calculations – everything I needed to practise the new mathematics. I embraced the old man and thanked him for his teaching and his friendship. I believe I may have noticed a tear in his eye for we had grown close in the last months and I had come to look forward to his conversation, and his wisdom drawn from a long life and from encountering many hazards in lands whose names I did not even know. All this I had now to put behind me, and it pained us both that it should be so.
‘Look after yourself,’ the old Jew told me. ‘You have a rare quality. That is, you see too much. What is good is that you have already learned to be careful with it. Don’t seem too clever, or speak too much. Listen and watch, and all will become clear – if you are lucky.’
‘And if I am not?’
‘Then you will have to go forward in a fog like the rest of us,’ he said with a twinkle, although he was the least foggy man I have ever met.
I embraced him and he gave me a small silver object which he said was an amulet. He told me always to keep it about my person and in the last resort to pray to the gods on it.
‘The gods?’ I looked at him in astonishment.
‘Did I say that?’
There was a twinkle in his lizardy old eyes.
‘Remember, if you ever have to tally, use the Arab numerals for money-in and money-out. They are worth more than a bag of gold,’ he told me, ‘or even a bright sword to hang by your side.’
‘You have given me so much,’ I told him, ‘and I have given you so little.’
‘More than you think,’ he said.
I embraced him again, and took a last walk round the abbey, saying goodbye to my friends. I think the Brothers, though they lamented my departure and begged me to change my mind, were quite relieved to see the back of me – perhaps I was becoming a little wild. Brother Hubert who looked after the stables lent me a little black palfrey which I promised to send back to him, though he said I need not and it was a parting gift from the abbey.
So, in borrowed clothes from the abbey’s charity-chest, armed with a curious old sword which Brother Paul had saved from a dying veteran (for the roads were full of those who wished you no good whether you were English, French or Norman), and bolstered by the power of nought, I made my way on the little black nag which I named Blackberry. We ambled down daffodil lanes, through Rugles, L’Aigle and Notre-Dame D’Après, back towards the place where I had been born. It was the Ides of March.
And now I have brought us back to where I started and I can pick up the tale.