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She awoke to the sound of lapping water—and a seething hot, soaking pussy. Her breasts were strangely warm and heavy. Even her anus seemed to throb ever so slightly.
“What... what happened?” Her voice was little more than a croak, moving her lips and tongue to form speech taking a conscious effort. Fortunately, her haze appeared to be wearing off rapidly.
She tried to sit up but something held her fast.
Then she remembered. It hadn’t all been a dream. The vines, the moss... it had come alive.
Oh, God!
“Hello, human.”
The sound of her own language, speech she actually recognized shocked her into stillness. The voice was deep—very deep—and somewhere behind her. She tried to pivot her head back, but the merciless grip of the vines in her hair prevented her from so much as moving an inch.
“I... who is that? Why can’t I see you? Where are you? How... how can you understand me?”
“I’m here, with you. Be still for now. Your language is quite rudimentary, primitive even. But there are other ways of communicating as well.”
The sound of his voice was rich, flowing through her in a way that made her shiver, made parts of her awaken that had been asleep for far too many years.
“W-what does that... mean? Where am I?”
“You’re in my domain. You’re safe.”
The sloshing of water could be faintly heard.
“Safe? Are you fucking kidding me? I’m... I’ve got fucking vines holding me prisoner! Living vines!”
“They would never hurt you. Quite the opposite, in fact. Which you’ll soon see. Your cursing is interesting though. Is this how your species greets strangers? We may have to address that.” More water sloshed, closer. “But for now, be still and quiet. I want a good look at you.”
In an instant the vines fell away, seeming to almost melt into the moss beneath her, the locks of her hair finally relaxing as the tendrils let go there as well. Tellingly though, the vines—apparently sprouting from her flower garlands—still cinched tightly around her throbbing breasts, one of the vines cruelly compressing her hard nipples deep into the soft flesh, her breasts bulging obscenely between the two opposing strictures.
“What... shit, why is that...?”
She grunted in frustration as something took hold of her arms, squeezing her hands together at the wrists.
They were hands. Very large and strong hands.
No way those are human either.
The hand held her arms above her, preventing her from using them at all.
“Why... please, let me go. I just want to be able to... scratch my nose, or something.”
“Does your nose itch?”
“Well... no.”
“Then you don’t need your hands,” the voice rumbled, a more serious note to the tone. “Be quiet. I won’t tell you again.”
Arms slipped underneath her, sweeping her up with a swiftness that disoriented her for a moment. Then her feet made contact with the soft, deep moss, the feel of it quite delightful, despite her reticence to stand on something she knew could come alive at any moment once again.
Then she saw him. Or more to the point, saw his chest.
She glanced upward, unable to believe her eyes.
He was huge, easily the biggest man she’d ever seen. Well over seven feet tall, he had the broadest shoulders imaginable, the heavily muscled plane of them seeming to stretch forever in either direction. Twin slightly curved horns—the inner one larger, the outside one smaller—protruded from the bunched trapezius muscles at the middle of each shoulder.
His face wasn’t quite handsome. Rather it was more... diabolical.
Hair black as midnight, close cropped at the sides, but slightly longer elsewhere. The facial hair was close, but dense, painting a strong, square jaw with more jet black, the whiskers heavier at the chin and upper lip. A long, strong nose, dark—impossibly dark—eyes, and well-defined thick eyebrows completed the visage.
The look of him evoked a word she’d learned long ago during mythology research for a school project—Mephistophelian. Devilishly attractive, yet subtly malevolent.
Only she wasn’t sure malevolence was exactly what she felt from him.
His skin tone was something like a deep tan that had a subtle but noticeable purple note to it, truly the quintessence of dusky. He crossed his arms across a broad, deep chest adorned with more dark hair, the sinews of the forearms flexing as his fingers moved. The arms, adorned with so many bulging veins they were like a roadmap of Planet Alpha Male, were as heavily packed with muscle as the giant shoulders, the biceps and forearms looking easily strong enough to tear a steel plate in half. Hands indeed massive, the long fingers were adorned with something she hadn’t expected at all—talons. They were narrow and strong, not much more than longer, sharpened nails, but they definitely appeared to be claws or talons.
Daring a glance down, she almost swallowed her tongue.
He was entirely naked.
Bulging with a network of thick veins, his very erect penis was bigger than anything she’d ever seen on a man. From a thatch of jet black pubic hair it projected, the head broad and purplish, seemingly aimed directly at her face. The huge balls were heavy, swollen, hanging between truly massive thighs powerful enough to hold up the very world. There were even veins visible there too.
The sight caused a stirring deep in her belly, her sex heating in a way she didn’t like one bit. The cursed vine bisecting her pussy seemed even tighter—and slicker—against her vulnerable flesh.
Confronted with a huge, likely hostile alien was definitely not the time to become aroused... and yet there was no denying the mere presence of him was doing exactly that.
It was almost as if he’d checked off all her boxes for the darkest, most twisted male fantasy her fevered mind had ever conjured up.
“Uh... no, this isn’t...” She tried to back away but before she could so much as lift a foot, the vines gathered over her feet, pulling taut. She wasn’t going anywhere.
“Just be still. You won’t be hurt, not beyond the spanking you’re going to get for being disobedient.”
“Disob—what the fuck are you talking about? I didn’t do anything!”
“No? Then why did the vines immobilize you?”
A dark brow crooked upward. “I told you to be still. And you weren’t; the vines knew you were about to try to get away, so they held you there.”
“How... how do you know that?”
“That’s not important right now. What is important is that you learn something, and quickly. Which is that you are to do as you’re told. Do that, and you’ll be treated well. Don’t, and you’ll wish you had.”
Anger seething within her, despite her fear, she ground her teeth, knowing a sharp retort was unlikely to do her any good. “Okay. Just... I don’t even know your name. What do I... call you?”
“My name is likely unpronounceable to you. You may call me Malcolm. For now.”
“For now? You expect that to... change?”
“In time, you’ll call me whatever I demand.”
How about Asshole? Yeah, I like that one.
He sighed.
From the vines constricting her breasts, two more extended out to either side, taking firm hold of her upper arms and wrenching them behind her. She cried out as it bound itself over and over her joined forearms, the stretching at her shoulders just short of pain as she was trussed up still further, her limbs firmly locked together. Her breasts, despite the laughably inadequate concealment offered by the garlands, were now obscenely presented, front and center, their bindings only deepening her mortification at her predicament.
“I was inclined to give you a chance to obey and keep your arms at your sides, but your attitude proves you’re not ready for such privileges.”
“Privileges! My freedom is a privilege now?”
“As I said, you’re in my domain now. Your construct of freedom isn’t an operative concept here. You’ll understand that, with time—and training.” He gave her a quirk of his sensual lips. “No matter. We’ll do this your way.”
Extending a finger, he delicately hooked a claw in the garland at her chest, flicking it away. He tapped the fingertip against the harsh vine bisecting her breasts, cruelly compressing her nipples. “Does this bother you?”
He passed the fingertip over it, and it too fell away, seeming to melt into the moss and disappear entirely. She shook her head, unable to believe what she was seeing.
“I like these. Very responsive,” he murmured, tweaking each nipple in turn, his touch dexterous, entirely avoiding pricking her with his talons. She wondered if his claws had somehow retracted, or otherwise gotten smaller.
Taking his time, he made her nipples throb even harder as he pulled and rolled them none too gently. She bit off a squeak as he finished off by giving each one a hard pinch at the base, pain flaring bright and hot.
“I like this too.” He traced the pink line left across each breast from the merciless bisecting vine.
Then he poked at the bindings around her breasts, and they too loosened, dripping to the thick moss below. She breathed in deeply.
The huge hands took hold of her breasts then, squeezing them far more harshly than the bindings ever had. He did it again, watching her, drawing a gasp from her that wasn’t entirely from pain, the vine tight against her pussy growing even slicker with her wetness.
The vines loosened suddenly, but before she could move a muscle, he’d taken hold of her shoulders, spinning her around until she faced away from him.
“Oh, God...”
She hated her ass, even in the best of circumstances. Her hips were much too wide, and her ass more than generous. It had been something she’d fought against in pilot school, the jumpsuits doing little to hide the dimensions of her figure. It attracted the wrong kind of attention.
She’d been determined to excel based on her skill set and determination, not because her instructors or fellow pilots drooled over her ‘assets.’
To her mind, as an aspiring pilot, they were a lot more like liabilities.
And never more so than at that moment.
That’s not what your pussy apparently thinks.
She tried to block that out as mere fear-based biology, a defense mechanism, and involuntary reaction.
Yeah, even you don’t believe that.
He held her firmly by the shoulder then as he squeezed and bounced each of her buttocks upon a palm, giving them hard pinches and shaking them a little. She was thankful she at least didn’t have to look at him as he fondled her.
A part of her she truly hated at that moment liked that he’d made her look away, her penance for her defiance, her disobedience.
“Now these... these are truly beautiful. Such flesh. You humans... are very blessed.”
“Some of us more than others,” she muttered miserably.
He smacked her ass hard enough to drive her hips forward, the sting making her grunt.
“Be quiet.”
She practically bit her tongue, but managed to stay silent.
Then things got worse.
Pressing her forward, he folded her over, until she bent deeply at the waist, the vine at her crotch practically cutting her in half as it dug still deeper between the lips of her pussy. She shut her eyes tight, knowing how debased she must have looked, her humiliation drowning her.
All the while her pussy was drowning in its own wetness.
A flick of his talons against the strap at her join, and it fell away. She moaned in profound relief, a gasp escaping her lips.
“Better? I think that jealous vine didn’t want to let go of your cute little sex.” His whisper was close to her ear. “I don’t blame it one bit either.”
His fingers teased the inner lips, splaying the plump outer seam in order to delve inside her vagina. She bucked, holding her breath as a rough fingertip played with her clit, her knees brushing involuntarily together as he rubbed slow circles over the sensitive entrance to her urethra—something no man had ever done to her before.
This is no man.
Claws scratched ever so slightly against her skin as he eased her bottom cheeks apart.
“Don’t clench them. That’s better.”
Do whatever you need to survive.
Is that really what she was doing?
She whined softly as he exposed her anus to the cool air—and his lustful gaze. His fingertip stroked and circled the hot opening to her bottom. “We’ll explore this fully too, my sweet human. Oh, yes, we will.”
No... God!
With a final caress of that most secret place, he turned her back around to face him.
Her cheeks flushed hotly and looked away.
“Shame is a pointless emotion here, human. Eventually, you’ll free yourself from it.” He lifted both of her breasts on the backs of his palms, his eyes glinting. “But I must admit, I enjoy that you feel it. We’ll explore your shame more deeply someday soon.”
“Fuck you.”
The words leapt forth, born of her frustration at being utterly helpless before this... whatever he was.
And at the fact her body was reacting so strongly to what he was doing to it.
“I thought so,” Malcolm said. In a smooth motion, he sat upon the rock next to her, and in the blink of an eye she’d been drawn face down over his steel-hard thighs.
Unable to pull herself up, she wriggled and twisted against him as much as her tight bonds allowed—which was laughably little.
His massive erection pressed to her hip as he placed a broad hand across her lower back, pinning her down against him. Without a single word, his hard—and huge—palm, crashed against her bottom, the pain flaring hot. In rapid fire succession, he spanked her like a recalcitrant girl over his lap, her shame never deeper. She’d been spanked once or twice as a child, but it had been nothing even approaching this—for both pain and humiliation.
Over and over the smacks landed, and she began to squeal and yelp, the burning beginning to rise higher and higher. She tried to kick, but he would simply pause, smacking the backs of her thighs harshly until she stilled her legs, screams ripped from her lungs at the fiery pain of having her thighs spanked hard.
Then he resumed building the raging fire in her naked, defenseless buttocks, until she was begging him.
“Oh, oh! Stop! Please! It hurts! Please!”
To her shock, he did stop, his palm stilling upon the seething curves of her ass. It didn’t move, but it was still a threat. Her punishment could resume at any moment.
“I’m sorry, okay? I... I just. I—”
But rather than reply, his fingers insinuated between her thighs, his other hand yanking her leg far apart from the other, until she felt like a wishbone on a turkey, still splayed awkwardly across his lap.
She drew in a sharp breath as his finger slipped between her labia, pushing quite deep, until she feared his claw would gall her tender tissues.
But it didn’t; instead his thick finger thrusted inside her for a long moment then retreated, the shaming wetness thick upon his finger, a sticky line of it splatting hot against her inner thigh as he withdrew.
That same finger was brought to her lips, and she tried to turn her head away. But he was insistent, pushing at her lips until she complied, opening them. He forced her to taste her wetness, and she’d never felt more debased. He waited until she’d licked his finger clean, her renewed blush hot and shaming at her cheeks.
Hoping her cooperation might win her reprieve, she cried out as he dashed those hopes cruelly, resuming her spanking, even harder this time. Again, he said not a single word as he punished both cheeks of her bottom with that incredibly hard hand, his big palm covering almost the entirety of each buttock as he slapped them repeatedly. The pain had her crying out at each spank, and still he continued, and if anything the burning hot steel bar of his erection against her hip swelled to even greater dimensions as he spanked her bottom.
Soon, the tears had reduced her vision to a watery blur, her begging devolving into incoherent pleading and screams. He didn’t stop until she’d burst into sobs, hiccupping against him as the hot pain built higher and higher in her well-punished bottom.
She panted and sniffled as he gently pulled her thighs apart once more.
“Oh... please,” she said, her voice a pitiful warbling.
Again, he explored her pussy, but with two fingers this time, stretching her a little, making her squirm. He stirred them within her for at least a minute, until she was biting her lip, her hips beginning to rise and fall. The stirring in her belly was a profound, reluctant pleasure, her sex now boiling hot.
What was he doing to her?
She sighed deeply as he pulled those thick digits from the clutch of her pussy, the wet sound of it amplifying her embarrassment. As she knew they would, those sodden fingers found their way to her lips, painting them with her wetness. She licked them quickly, even as she choked down one last sob, hoping against hope that her punishment was at an end.
Mercifully, it appeared it was, Malcolm moving her back to her feet as he slipped off the rock and back into the water. There was only the gentle sound of the sloshing water against the rock as he held her by the chin, forcing her to look up at him and meet his gaze.
He collected yet more wetness from her inner thighs, stroking it along her lower lip. She dropped her gaze, mortified.
The message was clear. She might object, even plead with him.
But her body’s verdict on what was happening was undeniable.
“You are so ashamed, and you need not be. Though I enjoy your shame more than I expected, eventually I’ll teach you to let it go. You’re a female, a woman. It’s in your nature to yield, to submit. To be conquered. You desire someone with the strength to force you to face what you really need, what you’re really here to be. To show you your true purpose. And the reactions of your beautiful body confirm all of it.”
She tried to break free of his grip, but he only squeezed tighter, holding her in place.
“But you resist it because you must. Because deep inside, you need to know the male conquering you is hard, driven. Determined to overcome your resistance, whether you think you’re ready for it or not. That he is worthy of your submission to him.” He caressed the line of her jaw. “My sweet human, we have so much ahead of us. I will bend you to me, and eventually, break your will entirely. You will be made into my body servant, to kneel at my feet. To worship my body, and most especially my cock. And when the time is right, you will be bred, and you will swell with my child. And all the while you will be mine. Mine to use, to torment, and to keep. Fear not, little human, for you are safe with me.” He drew close, the hard, silky head of his big penis wiping sticky fluid across her lower belly. “But you need to know this. You have a long, arduous journey ahead. I am not an easy master. And training you, molding you into the submissive life mate I demand, will be my most challenging—and pleasurable—honor.”
Though her heart was almost in her throat, she almost snarled the words. “You’ll never break me. Not ever.”
“Such futile defiance.” Shocking her, he kissed her forehead softly, murmuring the words against her hair. “I’m going to enjoy showing you just how wrong you are.”