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The dull, comforting roar of the falling water drew her steadily from the welcoming arms of her slumber. Bleary-eyed, she rolled over, reaching for him.
But she got only a handful of the moss.
He’s gone.
Waiting a moment, listening intently for any signs of him nearby, she worked the options. That moment might be her only chance at finding something, anything that might give her even a sliver of hope of escape, of finding her crew.
Of beginning the process of pretending what happened was only some fevered, vivid dream.
But it was already a losing battle to try to convince herself she even wanted that.
Rolling slowly, she scanned the cavern for him, not wanting to appear to be making any sudden movements on the off chance he was merely nearby, observing from concealment.
Which would be ironic, considering that was exactly how she’d first seen him, the Gambier Bay’s rovers watching him surreptitiously from the jungle.
But he was nowhere to be found.
The most logical way was the outflow of the river. She slipped off the mossy rock, dipping below the surface for an instant, then extending her body, swimming underwater as long as her lungs allowed, surfacing away from the rock, her long sidestroke the stealthiest way of moving through the water. She constantly watched either bank, hyper alert for any signs of him, the vision of his hugely muscled physique, those horned shoulders, the devilishly magnetic visage. The dark eyes that saw far more than he let on.
That cock.
Thinking about that magnificent cock was the last thing she should have been doing, but even in the cool embrace of the river’s flow, her pussy spasmed at the remembrance of the delicious stretching, the pain and pleasure of opening for his arrogant advance, the way her cunt seemed to jealously clutch the girth that seemed on the very edge of fucking her very life away.
She’d never had an orgasm that way. Not ever. Even Langley—who’d been generously endowed himself—had never, ever fucked her anywhere near the way Malcolm had imperiously plundered her body.
Stop it, you fucking idiot. Focus.
First, she needed to get off this goddamned planet. Then, and only then, she could lament the fact the best fuck of her life had come when she’d been essentially taken against her will.
Then she could contend with the fallout of the knowledge that the best fuck of her life might have been because she’d been taken against her will.
But not now.
Letting the gentle current take her along, she bobbed in the water, treading water gently, just enough to guide her toward the far bank just as the water passed into the gaping opening. The temperature instantly lowered, the noise of the flowing water somewhat louder, echoing slightly. The light was much dimmer here, and for a moment, she feared that if she floated much further, she might find herself in an area with no light at all.
Finding the bottom, the rocks there slimy, but gripping her soles enough to allow her purchase, she boosted herself up onto the far bank. It formed a very narrow ledge against one wall of the tunnel, but it was enough to walk along. The rivulets of water coursing down her skin made her shiver a little, though thankfully, the air inside the tunnel was still comparatively warm, much as the cavern had been.
The tunnel twisted and turned, and now and then, the low amber light seemed to wax and wane, something she wrote off as an illusion caused by the varying patterns of rock along the tunnel walls.
Eventually the river turned away, but the tunnel continued on, at roughly a forty-five-degree fork. Did she follow the water, or chance the alternate tunnel, in the hopes it might lead her back to the surface—or perhaps intersect with the entrance passage the matakee matrons had led her down.
Then you’d be right back in trouble, you idiot.
The alternate tunnel was out. She would follow the river.
But not a hundred meters along, the river narrowed, then seemed to almost vanish, the hollow sound of falling water growing suddenly much louder as she drew near, the tunnel ending in a dead end.
Chills ran down her spine as she beheld the very thing she’d feared. The water cascaded down into another inflow cave, like a cistern in an ancient well system, its inky black maw spelling certain death for anyone caught in that water as it flowed in.
She’d have to backtrack and find that other tunnel after all.
But when she walked back, the tunnel was pointing in the wrong direction, at the opposite forty-five-degree angle from when she’d initially encountered it.
“That’s impossible, Selena,” she barked. “It’s just not the same tunnel fork. Pay attention.”
She didn’t know how she could have missed it, but in the low light, it was possible she’d just mistaken this cave for a simple depression in the rock, rather than the exit into another tunnel.
She continued on, following the river back the way it had come, until she came to the funnel fork she remembered.
“Thank God,” she whispered.
As she followed it, the tunnel widened and began a slow, subtle upward climb.
A good sign. I hope.
Fifty meters later though, the tunnel dead-ended, reducing to little more than a spider hole in a pile of boulders.
She spun around, trying not to panic at the very real possibility she could get lost in the faceless tunnel complex.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Shit!” She scrambled backward, catching her heel on the rocky floor and falling back on her ass. She winced as her sore bottom smacked the unyielding surface.
Malcolm towered over her, seeming to materialize out of the low light. His eyes almost seemed to glow with the displeasure in his voice.
“You could have been hurt. What were you thinking walking off without me?”
“That was the whole point—to get away from you.”
“I see I haven’t gotten through to you yet.”
“Fuck you—oh, no, no!”
He scooped her off the floor, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other grasping her legs. Slinging her up and over, for a split second, she feared he meant to impale her upon the curved horns atop his shoulder. Instead, he laid her over that shoulder, tucking her hip against the smaller of the two horns.
Then he carried her out of there like the proverbial caveman, having bagged a fresh—and very naked—woman to bring back to the campsite and have his way with at his leisure.
Such an image infuriated her, but it did more than that too.
Has to be something in the air here.
Whatever it was, it seemed to keep her arousal on almost a slow boil, instantly spiraling higher whenever she was in the mere presence of this... alien.
“You’re going to learn—once and for all—that when I tell you to obey me, you will. You won’t like how you learn your lesson, little human, but there’s nothing for it now. You’re going to learn it the hard way. Remember that this was your choice. Your foolishness that forced my hand.”
It was particularly infuriating to hear him say those words when at that very moment one of his hands—the one not holding her kicking and twisting legs—smacked her upturned bottom briskly.
She yelped and cursed.
Then he did it again.
Having the sense to understand further protest was going to be fruitless, she lay limp, silently lamenting her decision to run off. Perhaps staying and trying to negotiate with him might have been the wiser course of action after all.
But the urge to flee—the same one that had taken her from Langley—had been in control. The same impulse to run from the truth, to avoid confronting a part of her she neither understood nor openly acknowledged.
The part that wanted to stay with Langley, that liked what he did to her.
It was the same traitorous, insane part of her that had whispered to her that she should have stayed with Malcolm, should have knelt at his feet just as Langley so enjoyed.
That little voice that told her submitting, giving in, surrendering her body and her will were what she was born to do.
In seemingly moments, he swept back into the immense cavern, and kicking and screaming, she was pressed face down into the moss. This time, he laid her flat across the rock, letting her legs dangle into the water, presenting her ass at the edge of the rock. The moss’ fragrance seemed to amplify for a moment, and she drew in a breath, loving the smell of it.
But she wasn’t given time to savor the wonderful scent, Malcolm’s great hand descending with vengeance upon her bottom. The cavern filled with the sounds of her spanking, her increasingly shrill cries and curses.
He took each cheek in great, bounding strokes, the fire sinking into her flesh with each one, sending her writhing. She tried to scramble fully up onto the rock to try to get away from it, but his hand pinned her down at the middle of her back, driving the breath from her lungs in a loud grunt.
“You will be punished, each and every time you disobey me. You’re going to have a very, very sore bottom, if you keep going at this rate.” He smacked her with a flurry of several more, lifting both buttocks on brutal blows, the pain digging in still deeper. She shrieked even as he continued talking, his words a low growl.
“Don’t for a moment think I won’t bend you over for another correction just because your bottom is already red and swollen. You misunderstand me badly, if you think that would ever stop me from punishing you, little human.”
Alternating cheeks now, he lifted each one to stretch the skin, exposing the tender creases, peppering each of them with repeated searing smacks that had her screaming once again.
Oh, God, it fucking hurts!
Then he stopped, but rather than pause to soothe her burning bottom, comforting her, he flipped her over.
With ridiculous ease, he laid her on her back. She looked up at a now very angry Malcolm, her bottom aching anew, even pressed as it was to the soft moss. Though she wrote it off as a play of light—and her pain-addled consciousness—his eyes seemed to glow faintly, an amber tint very similar to the low light she’d experienced in the tunnels she’d fled down.
“Spread your thighs.”
“Open your thighs—wide. I won’t ask again.”
He slapped the outsides of her thighs, and she reared her head back, yelling, the pain like fire across her skin. “Okay! Okay!”
“Get them open wider than that, or you’re going to get double what you’ve got coming, little human.”
How much is that?
But she knew she was treading on very thin ice here, and decided cooperation was a lot likelier to get this over with faster, no matter how mortifying it was to feel the sticky lips of her cunt ease apart as she splayed her legs wide.
“More. I want to you to show me that disobedient cunt of yours.”
Oh, shit.
But his words caused more than an explosion of dread at the pit of her stomach. Her pussy lips were already slick—and getting slicker. The scent of her was clear on the air, muskier now, sweat beading on her skin from her struggles while being mercilessly spanked.
His eyes locked on her genitals, and for an instant, he simply looked upon her nakedness in silence.
Then, taking her completely by surprise, he slapped an open palm directly into her cleft, the blow making a dull, wet sound. The pain had her moaning, even as it seemed to amplify the throbbing of her clitoris into near frantic levels.
She closed her legs instinctively, plunging her hands between her thighs.
“Get them out of there. Right now,” he said, his voice tight. “You’ve got one second.”
As she yanked them away, though it was the very last thing she wanted to do, vines erupted from the moss, wrapping themselves firmly about her wrists.
“Oh, fuck, no!” She kicked and screamed, more vines holding her legs fast, drawing them even further apart. In less than thirty seconds, she was spread-eagle across the blanket of moss, her head the only part of her not immobilized, her breasts heaving as her panicked breaths whistled in and out of her lungs.
“Don’t do this. Please don’t do this.”
Malcolm’s brow knit even so slightly, an expression of solemn disappointment clouding his features. “You must learn. You could have been hurt—or worse. My mate. I would never have forgiven myself for letting you do such a thing. You will learn to do as you’re told here.”
Then he slapped her pussy, over and over and over, taking measured aim with each shot, the blows accompanied by her outraged, pained cries and the humiliating spray of fine, warm droplets of her own wanton fluids. Each slap made her clit swell still harder, the sensitivity of her flesh ratcheting up to maddening levels that threatened to drown out even the sharp pain of his hard palm against her pussy.
The sounds were the worse part though, each blow getting wetter and wetter. He finished off with one particularly hard smack across her mound then bent over her, examining her aching, seething pussy.
“Nice and red. Does it hurt?”
“God, yes.” She was trying—and failing—to hold back tears, her voice already cracking. It burned, it ached.
And yet her clit felt like a simple breath of air against its swollen, angry tissues would be enough to blast her off into deep space.
She’d never before been so aroused, her juices running in an almost continual rivulet down her perineum, her asshole already growing slick with the wetness from her pussy above. Her breasts were swollen, heavy, the nipples throbbing and tingling the way they only did when she was perilously near an orgasm.
Except he hadn’t been fucking her, something that might be expected to arouse her—however reluctantly—to this level.
No, he’d been punishing her pussy. Horribly.
And you’re ready to go off like a rocket. You dirty fucking slut.
“I’m glad it hurts,” he murmured, a smile creasing his face. “You need it to hurt, don’t you? You’re the sort of female who craves the proof of a male’s strength, I see.” The prominent canines were so long they were just short of fangs. It was at once alluring and unsettling.
And wholly alien.
“Well, you’re about to have it, little human.”
He climbed atop the rock, lying over her, his elbows to either side of her body.
Oh, God, no!
But the gush of moisture as his great, broad cockhead nosed between the sodden, stinging lips of her sex said something else entirely.
“What are you—oh, fuck,” she gasped as he pressed forward in one harsh lunge. He drove so deeply within her, it felt as if his cock were almost in her throat. His brilliant eyes met hers as he pulled back, his smile beaming again as he plunged back in. The muscles of his arms and shoulders bunched and flexed above her as he took up a punishing, brutal thrusting within the tight grip of her pussy. It shook her entire body each time his hips slapped down against hers, her moans becoming pained, until she began to plead.
But for what she had no idea. Though it split her cunt nearly in two, it was a pleasure so dark and devastating, she knew she could happily die drowning in its waters. It overwhelmed her, the way he invaded every molecule of her body, sheathing his huge, hard penis entirely within her. Her juices flowed so copiously, she could clearly hear them squeezing out upon her thighs, soaking the moss as he continued to make callous, rough use of her body for his pleasure.
“Yes,” he said above her, giving her a hard lunge again. “This is what your body seems to understand best. Subjugation. Conquering.” He fucked her even harder, and her eyes rolled back in her head as the big head of his cock pushed past her cervix, lodging in her fornix, filling her there the way no human penis ever had before.
“I’m... s-sorry... oh, my God. Ohmygodohmygod!”
She reared up then, her senses graying out, her pussy spasming upon him, rippling over and over, squeezing his shaft so tight she thought she might rip in two, her orgasm flying up, up, so high, sending her into the stratosphere. Her clit throbbed and ached, the pleasure of his pubic bone grinding against it sending her into one after another follow-on detonations of pure annihilating pleasure.
“I... I can’t take it! Oh, fuck! I... please, please... stop!”
Incredibly, he did, but it wasn’t for him to pour his seed into the deepest depths of her cunt, no matter how much she wanted that on a primitive, reptile brain level—the same level that had her belly coiling and spasming as he’d told her how he intended to us her as a breeding mare to birth his children over and over.
What the fuck has gotten into you?
Other than the biggest cock she’d ever seen, she didn’t know what had gotten into her.
He clambered up onto his knees, towering over her even in that position, then straddled her over her chest. The pleasing weight of him, her breasts squeezed and flattened beneath him gave her a dark, twisted pleasure she knew she could never hope to understand.
Then his strong fist was in her hair, yanking her head up.
To have her face to face with the angry, purplish battering ram-sized head of his cock.
It prodded at her lips, silky and steely all at once, the scent of her pungent juices all around her.
“Lick it. Taste what your sex thinks of what I’ve done to it.”
Tentatively, she extended her tongue, wincing inside at the taste, the saltiness and muskiness mixed together in a combination she found surprisingly pleasing. Still, her cheeks burned with the humiliation of it as he ordered her to clean his cock entirely of her juices.
“Beg me to let you suck it,” he growled.
She said nothing, unable to quite believe he’d found a way to sink her still deeper into her pit of shame and twisted, forbidden arousal.
“No... please, I...!”
“Beg me, or I’ll fuck that sore pussy of yours some more.”
“Please, Malcolm... No!”
She groaned once more as he sank deep into her sex, driving as far as he possibly could, her well-stretched tissues burning and throbbing. He pulled out again, tweaking her now obscenely erect, reddened clit.
He was back on his knees again, his cock aimed at her face like a weapon. He slapped her cheek with it, leaving a patch of sticky wetness there.
“Clean it, human. All of it.”
She opened her mouth, fearful that any hesitation this time would result in further pounding of her well-fucked—and quite throbbing—pussy.
She licked it clean quickly, her cheeks burning again at the ease with which he’d debased her once again.
“Beg for it,” he murmured, the moist head just resting against her soft lower lip. The scent of him was strong, despite its recent plunge into her dripping sex, and it made her mouth water.
No, you’re not doing this, Selena.
But part of her wanted this more than she needed oxygen to breathe.
“I... I can’t. Please don’t do this.”
Smiling, he slid right back down her body. This time, he slipped slowly, torturous by torturous inch into her sex, her pussy stretching agonizingly all over again, stinging, burning, her uterus now almost continually spasming, the pleasure of it threatening to destroy her.
He sank all the way in again, stuffing her full to bursting, then pulled back only enough to ensure his pubic bone frictioned back and forth over her aching—and super-sensitized—clit.
“No... I... Oh, no! I can’t, please, I can’t come—!” She screamed once again, as the orgasm ripped its way through her spasming body, yet more juices gushing forth around the massive girth of the shaft he impaled her brutally upon. Her breathing was coming in frantic, panicked bursts as she came down from yet another—and by far her most painful—orgasm.
“Please, no more. Please, no more,” she pleaded, as he once more presented his big penis to her hard-bitten lips.
“Beg. Beg to suck it. Beg to take my penis into your mouth, human.” He gripped her hair again, the roots of her hair protesting as his fingers yanked them cruelly. He shook her head sharply. “Convince me how much you want to worship this cock.”
Swallowing hard, her cheeks burning hot, even as the first tears began to fall, she said the words. “Please. Please... sir. Please let me lick it. Let me taste your... your cock. Please, Malcolm!”
“Open wide, human slut bitch.”
She did, but still she was choking almost immediately.
“Suck on the head first.”
It was so large it was difficult to fit inside her mouth, her sex gushing once more at that knowledge.
In different circumstances, she loved worshiping a big penis. Loved it more than she even knew how to express.
But this was something else. This was pure power, putting her in her place. Demonstrating that he could, and would, subjugate her in every way possible.
She was powerless against this alien.
And part of her reveled in that alluring realization.
He pushed deeper then, making her cough and gag. He held her by the hair the entire time, forcing his cock into her mouth at his speed, at his will. She could only endure it. He made her lick the shaft then, and he made great sport of slapping her face with the heavy penis, first left cheek, then the right. Then he did it again, her blush burning bright as he smiled avariciously, silently drinking in her mortification, her degradation.
“Lick underneath. Good bitch,” he growled, as her tongue found the hypersensitive spot under the head.
Then he made her repeatedly take as much of the shaft as she possibly could, each time gagging horribly. But he was relentless with her, forcing it into the entrance to her throat over and over again.
Then he rested the heavy, hot shaft of his penis across her face, shaming her still more, smiling down at her in triumph.
“You’re an eager little cocksucker, human. I’ll teach you though. In time, you’ll be taking every inch of my hard penis down your throat. In time.”
Then he took it in his fist, stroking it, cruelly yanking her head up by the hair once more. He met her gaze as he stroked himself closer and closer to climax.
“You have so much to learn. So much defiance to train out of you. I look forward to every second of it.”
Within moments, with a final flurry of fisting of his shaft, his head tipped back, his jaw clenching tight as he groaned out his own release. He aimed the head of his penis intentionally, and hot spurts of sticky white seed arced through the air, splashing against her cheeks, her lips, over the bridge of her nose. More jets of it draped across her forehead and into her hair.
Finally, he relaxed, sagging downward, shaking off the last drops of viscous semen onto her breasts, then wiping the shaft off with the tangled locks of her hair.
He brought his face close. “It’ll be this way, human. Every single time you disobey me. Think about that the next time you consider defying me.”
He kissed her on the top of her head, impossibly gentle.
Then she burst into tears of shame.
And sweet relief.