
Chapter Twenty-Three


Captain Strabo sipped from her mug as she filed the last pages of her survey findings report, sitting in her comfortable quarters aboard the sleek cruiser Roanoke, her new command. Her career had soared since the dramatic rescue of the Gambier Bay’s crew, the lone blemish on an otherwise stellar record the subject of the report she’d prepared:

...Following initial landing of the deep space rescue, led by advance units from UTCS Francis Drake, the main power plant of Gambier Bay was restarted having mysteriously recovered completely from what appeared to have been an electromagnetic surge of unknown origin.

...Review of the Gambier Bay’s central computer refutes the initial data that showed an EMP wave originating from the planet itself; subsequent analysis, including additional observations from UTCS Francis Drake, confirm electromagnetic disturbances emanated from distortions in planetary magnetosphere and appear to be anomalous. No hazards to local navigation are expected.

...Tragically, Warrant Officer Selena Marks was lost—and presumed killed—during the emergency evacuation of UTCS Gambier Bay. She was a proud example of UTCS courage and professionalism, and she will be deeply missed by both comrades and loved ones alike. Recommendation for posthumous field medal of valor has been submitted (see addendum and statement 3.2 filed by Lieutenant 1st Class, Raina L. Strabo).

...Official survey finding is that HW14-3 does not in fact harbor HE-3—or any other particularly useful resource—and considering its population of primitive native tribes and resource poor status, the system should be strictly left alone. Recommending HW14-3 be stricken from development matrix and added to Civilization Preservation Designation. CPD classification should be fast-tracked due to extremely vulnerable nature of lifeforms found on HW14-3.

End Report