
salsa            gravy, sauce

Lieutenant Sol saluted Colonel Davy:

“Sir, may I ask you how you made that gravy?”

sazón (m.)            seasoning

Elsa, Sonya only tried, by reasoning,

To show that men, like food, improve with seasoning.

según            according to

Men say goons like you will have to go to school,

Although they never learn to live according to a rule.

seguro            sure, certain, safe

The girls say goo rolled out of the oven door.

I’m sure we’ll have to scrub the kitchen floor.

sentar            to seat

The general sent Army troops to save us

And barber chairs in which to seat and shave us.

ser            to be (held)

A ceremony will be held at seven

To celebrate the child’s new life in heaven.

siempre            always

You should see Em pray daily at the shrine.

When she gets home she always seems to shine.

silbar            to whistle

Seal Barbara in blooms of thistle.

Just think how all the boys will whistle!

sol (m.)            sun

The sole objection under the sun

I have to Nick: he’s not much fun.

soltar            to loosen, untie

The shoe-sole Tarzan once had thought so neat

Was loosened by the puddles on the street.

sucio, -a            dirty

Can’t Sue see over the window sill?

Her dirty laundry is out there still.

suegro            father-in-law

Our garments sway grotesquely on the line:

My child’s, my mate’s, my father-in-law’s, and mine.

suerte (f.)            luck

I swear tame pigs have all the luck.

They roll in mud and don’t get stuck.

sumir            to sink, plunge (tr.)

Sue mirrors one of my most secret wishes:

To sink my body in the world of fishes

And never have to rise and do the dishes.