Also by Paul A. Johnsgard
The Avian Brood Parasites: Deception at the Nest (in press)
The Baby Bird Portraits of George Miksch Sutton: Watercolors in the Field Museum (in press)
Ruddy Ducks and Other Stifftails: Their Behavior and Biology (with M. Carbonell) (1996)
This Fragile Land: A Natural History of the Nebraska Sandhills (1995)
Arena Birds: Sexual Selection and Behavior (1994)
Cormorants, Darters, and Pelicans of the World (1993)
Ducks in the Wild: Conserving Waterfowl and Their Habitats (1992)
Bustards, Hemipodes, and Sandgrouse: Birds of Dry Places (1992)
Crane Music: The North American Cranes (1991)
Hawks, Eagles, and Falcons of North America: Biology and Natural History (1990)
Waterfowl of North America: The Complete Ducks, Geese, and Swans (1989) (species accounts)
North American Owls: Biology and Natural History (1988)
The Quails, Partridges, and Francolins of the World (1988)
Diving Birds of North America (1987)
Birds of the Rocky Mountains (1986)
The Pheasants of the World (1986)
Prairie Children, Mountain Dreams (1985)
The Platte: Channels in Time (1984)
The Cranes of the World (1983)
The Hummingbirds of North America (1983)
The Grouse of the World (1983)
Dragons and Unicorns: A Natural History (with Karin Johnsgard) (1982)
Teton Wildlife: Observations by a Naturalist (1982)
Those of the Gray Wind: The Sandhill Cranes (1981)
The Plovers, Sandpipers, and Snipes of the World (1981)
A Guide to North American Waterfowl (1979)
Birds of the Great Plains: Breeding Species and Their Distribution (1979)
Ducks, Geese, and Swans of the World (1978)
The Bird Decoy: An American Art Form (editor) (1976)
Waterfowl of North America (1975)
American Game Birds of Upland and Shoreline (1975)
Song of the North Wind: A Story of the Snow Goose (1974)
Grouse and Quails of North America (1973)
Waterfowl: Their Biology and Natural History (1968)
Animal Behavior (1967)
Handbook of Waterfowl Behavior (1965)