There are many people to thank, too many to name here, but I will say thank you for the numerous acts of kindness and help, handing me from one Nigerian journalist to another and then to activists in the Delta, answering awkward questions or otherwise passing on relevant information.

A special mention is due to Ashai Nicholas for their suggestions and critical comments on an earlier draft of the novel, to Shaun Levin for his solid writerly friendship, and Pamela Lawino for talking things through and her belief in my work.

I would like to thank Tessa McWatt for her mentorship and feedback during the PhD, when the novel was still called Fishing for Naija.

To the whole Cassava Republic team and their collective brilliance. And Bibi Bakare-Yusuf and Jeremy Weate for an incisive editorial eye, helping to elevate this to its new format.

I am grateful for the generous opportunities to develop and write some parts of the novel at various residencies: Hedgebrook, Djerassi and Künstlerdorf Schöppingen.

My deepest gratitude goes to Natalie Popoola for her unwavering support and faith in me. And to Tamu, who slept next door while I finished this other baby.