In theory a speculative work of adventure fiction has the same requirement for technical accuracy as a story about space aliens set in the thirtieth’ century, yet as a practical matter many readers demand that this author at least stay in reality’s neighborhood while spinning his tales. For their aid in contributing to technical accuracy the author wishes to thank Michael R. Gaul, Captain Sam Sayers USN Ret., Mary Sayers, Captain Andrew Salkeld USMC, and Colonel Emmett Willard USA Ret., as well as V-22 experts Colonel Nolan Schmidt USMC, Lieutenant Colonel Doug Isleib USMC, and Donald L. Byrne Jr. As usual, the author has taken liberties in some technical areas in the interest of readability and pacing.
Ernestina Archilla Pabon de Pascal devoted many hours to helping the author capture the flavor of Cuba and earned the author’s heartfelt thanks.
A very special thank-you goes to the author’s wife, Deborah Buell Coonts, whose wise counsel, plot suggestions, and endless hours of editing added immeasurably to the quality of this tale.