Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
boating, 123, 124
train, 97
acts of God, 86
Adams, Scott, 135
adaptation, 91–93
prototyping and, 155
adjacencies, 85
Adler, Ken, 33, 35
Advanced Integrated Wastewater Pond System, 105–6
advanced navigation systems, 27
aesthetic prototyping, 154
Africa, 39, 175
Agarwal, G. D., 104–7
Ages, engineering and, 28
agriculture, 173–75
Aguilera, Francisco, 169
air bags, 181
airplanes, airlines, 26, 27, 28, 51–52
in crash and survivability analysis, 80
function-based invention and, 66–68
systems approach used by, 72
ultracomplicated systems of, 90
airports, 152
Akio, Morita, 165
Alder, Ken, 15–16, 19
anthropologists, 163, 168–71
antibiotics, 79
see also penicillin
Apollo II mission, 27
Armitt, Sir John, 112
Armstrong, Neil, 135–36
Arthur, Brian, 68
Arthur, Chester, 100
artillery, 15–20, 33–35
assembly line, 33, 69, 93
ATMs (automated teller machines), 63–66, 68–69, 75, 76–77, 92, 118, 143, 144
audience, 171, 184–85, 190
Augustine, Norman, 51, 75–76
Austria, 17–18, 34
autism, 135
Autism, 135
backward design, 63, 126, 185, 187
bacteria, 155
Badillo, Henry, 123
Baker, Norma, 159–60
balance, 130–31
Bali, 173–75
Ball, Robert, 42–43
ballistics, 33
balloons, powered, 156
banks, 62–63, 66, 73
see also ATMs
Barclays, 66
bar codes, 10–11, 13–14
Baron-Cohen, Simon, 134–35
Barrett, Craig, 12
Bartky, Ian, 96
Bazalgette, Joseph William, 113–16
behavior, human, 179
disease and, 116
learning from, 162–63
traffic congestion and, 37, 39–40, 43, 57
water pollution and, 105, 106, 111
ZIP codes and, 44–45, 47
behavioral constraints, 25
Beijing, 146–47
Bellgran, Monica, 71
Bell Labs, 139
Beltran, Alain, 57
Berwick, Donald, 89–90
birds, 181–82, 187–89
Birds, The (movie), 181–82, 187–90
Bishop’s Boys, The (Crouch), 67, 68
black ship effect, 168
Blaise, Clark, 101
blind engineering, 153
boating accident, 123, 124
Boiteux, Marcel, 57
bottom-up design, 22
Boyle, Danny, 149
Bradshaw, Gary, 66
bridges, 36, 37, 39, 76, 142, 146, 152
British Journal of Experimental Pathology, 78
Brooklyn Bridge, 145
calf muscle pump, 53–54
cameras, 138–41, 183
in cell phones, 146, 157
digital, 139–41, 147–48, 153–56
Canada, 95–96, 111–12
Canadian Royal Flying Corps, 80
cannons, 16–20, 33–34, 56, 92, 155, 174, 176
Canon de 24, 16–20
cap design, 161
Capitola, Calif., 181–82
carbon emissions, 37, 38
Carlson, Bernard, 64–65
car phones, 142
cars, 69–70, 73, 164, 166–67
air bags for, 171
in crash and survivability analysis, 80–83, 86
RAV4, 170
sports, 74
standardizing of, 80–83, 86, 92–93
Toyota Avalon, 167
traffic congestion and, 36–40, 42, 43, 47–50, 56
car tags, 39
causality, circles of, 72
CBS News, 146
cell phones, 89, 123, 141–46, 153–54, 156, 157, 176
feature creep in, 144–45
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S., 83
Cerf, Vinton, 40
Chain, Ernst, 78–79, 91
charge-coupled device (CCD), 139
Charmin Paper Company, 159
chemical engineering, 83–85
chimneys, 150–52
China, 120, 146–47, 176
cholera, 105, 114
Churchill, Winston, 17
Cicerone, Ralph, 131–32
circulation, lower-leg, 53–54
Clinton, Bill, 107–8
clocks, 97, 100, 155–56
closed (imperative) constraint, 113
Clough, Wayne, 52
bar, 10–11, 13–14
inventory management and, 8–10
railroad, 5–7
ZIP, 44–47, 100, 142
cognitive psychologists, 63
confidence, inner, 131
coinnovating, 162
Collins, David, 5–7, 10, 11, 13–14
Collins, Lauren, 62
color copiers, 162, 165
commerce, 39, 46
common sense, 169
compound technologies, 87
computer engineers, 113
computers, 147, 172, 175, 176
concentration camps, 177
conceptual prototyping, 153–54
concurrent engineering, 71–73
congestion (peak) pricing, 37, 39, 42, 47, 55–56, 179
conservative trade-offs, 74–75
constraint programming, 113
constraints, 81, 93–117, 126, 174, 182, 183, 186
cell phones and, 144
designing under, 25, 26, 32, 33
negative, 110–12, 114
open vs. closed, 113
optimization and, 41, 42, 52
positive, 110–11
public health and, 113–16
religion as, 107, 109
consumers, consumer mentality, 143–44, 159
contingent coproduction, 164
continuous optimization, 48
Convention of Kanagawa, 168
Cook, Bob, 171
Cook, Gordon, 114
Cooper, Martin, 141–44, 152–54, 157
copiers, 162, 163, 164
crash and survivability analysis, 80–83, 85–86
crashworthiness, 81, 85–86
cremation, 101–4
Crouch, Tom, 67, 68, 186
cultural anthropologists, 163, 168–71
culture, 175, 185
Curtis-Thomas, Claire, 130–31
customers, 120, 144–45, 160–69, 172
perceptions of, 164
preferences of, 166–67, 169, 171
data, 51, 52
David, Ruth, 22
deconstructionism, 21, 34
deep craft, 68
De Haven, Hugh, 80–83, 85–86
denormalization, 113
design, 172
perfect vs. imperfect, 155
design-based invention, 66
design choices, 34, 74
designer fallacy, 176
desktop video editing, 172
destiny, 79
diapers, 158, 159–60, 165
differential pricing, 58
digital cameras, 139–41, 147–48, 153–56
digital image transmission systems, 146–47
Dilbert (cartoon character), 135
disease, 105, 114, 116
Disney, Walt, 188
Douglas, Stephen, 134
du Maurier, Daphne, 182
Duncan, Robert, 160
Dyer, Geoff, 97
Dynamic Adaptive Total Area Coverage (DynaTAC), 141–44, 154
earthquakes, 70
Eastman, George, 138, 141
Eck, Diana, 102
economic constraints, 111
economic growth, 22–23
Economist, 129, 157
ecosystem, 173–75
Edison, Thomas, 64–65, 68
education, 31–32, 35, 53–58, 99, 138, 162, 179, 185, 186
constraints and, 109–10
efficiency, 20, 42, 44, 46, 49, 52, 59–73, 89, 127, 128, 174–77, 182, 186
ATMs and, 63–66, 68–69, 75, 76–77
pros and cons of, 175–77
in supermarkets, 59–62
Toyota and, 69–73
Einstellung, trap of, 155
electrical engineers, 139
electricity, 57, 106
electronic chips, 13
elevators, 132
emergence, 40, 42
emergent properties, 47
empathizing, 134–35, 136
empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory, 134–35
engineers, engineering:
anthropologists compared with, 168–69
definition problems for, 12
economists compared with, 55–57
essence of, 27
essential properties of, 23–26
evolution compared with, 64–65
fallacy among, 42
good vs. bad in, 175–78
as inference engine, 130
invisibility of, 11–12
labor market for, 7
lawyers compared with, 129
modular systems thinking and, 21–23
for the multitudes, 181–90
as organic and synthetic, 12
paradox of, 11–12
politics compared with, 129–34
portability of, 22
problems transformed into opportunities by, 11
profound consequences of, 11
science compared with, 26–30
scientists’ reliance on, 27–28
social interactions and, 134–35
England, Gordon, 132
enhanced 911 law, 124–25, 132, 176
enlightenment engineering, 35
Epstein, Joshua, 41–42
errors, 33, 73
human vs. machine, 10
learning from, 11, 186
ZIP codes and, 45, 46
Escoffier, Georges Auguste, 71
ethnography, ethnographers, 163–64, 169
Evans, Sir Harold, 92
evolution, 64–65, 111
exchangeability, 20
explicit models, 41
Facebook, 62
favoritism, 34–35
Federal Communications Commisssion, 124, 142
Fein, Robert, 178
fermentation process, 84, 85
Fifth Discipline, The (Senge), 71
Fillmore, Millard, 168
financial constraints, 25
financial system, 54, 176, 185
Financial Times, 53
Fineberg, Harvey, 115, 116
Firestein, Stuart, 29–30
Fleming, Alexander, 78–79, 90–91, 93
Fleming, Sandford, 96, 99–101, 111–12
Florey, Howard, 78–79, 91
food, 71, 165, 173–76
Ford, Henry, 92–93, 171
Ford Motor Company, 69, 70
Forsythe, Diana, 169
Fortune, 172
frame mismatch, 132
France, 15–19, 57, 92, 174
Frederick, Matthew, 42–43
Frederick the Great, 19
freedom, 176
Freeman, Mike, 61
freight cars, identifying and locating of, 4–7
Fridays (TV show), 4
functional binding, 33
functional prototyping, 153, 154
function-based invention, 66–68
fundamentalist groups, 177
Galileo, 33
Gambetta, Diego, 177
Ganga Action Plan, 105–6
Ganges (Mother Ganga), 94–95, 99, 102–9, 111, 114, 117
General Motors, 69
genetics, 92, 155, 177
genocide, 176–77
global positioning system (GPS), 119, 124–25, 164
“golden chicken” problem, 9–10
Google, 48–50
Google Maps, 48–50, 56
government, 109, 185
inefficiency of, 127–28
Great Britain, 17, 97
industrial revolution in, 149–52
Great Stink (1858), 116
green revolution, 174–75
Gribeauval, Jean-Baptiste de Vaquette, 17–21, 23–24, 155, 174
optimization objective of, 41, 56
structure, constraints, and trade-offs triad of, 32–35
grocery industry, 58
efficiency in, 59–62
inventory management in, 8–10
Guarino, Max, 123
gunpowder, 176
guns, 15–20, 33–34, 134
Gutenberg, Johannes, 91–92
harmony, political vs. engineering, 130
Harris, Arlene, 145
Harvard Business Review, 166
Hasbrook, Howard, 86
health, public, 83, 113–16
health care, 47, 89–90, 93, 185
proactive vs. reactive, 115
Heilmeier, George, 24
Hertog, Steffen, 177
high-rises, 11–12, 154, 183
High Tech, 76–77
High Touch, 76–77
Hinduism, 94–95, 97–99, 107
cremation and, 101–4
Hitchcock, Alfred, 181–85, 187–90
Hitler, Adolf, 176–77
H. J. Heinz Company, 160–61, 165
Holliday, Chad, 73–74, 76
humanities, 115–16, 179
Human-Machine Reconfigurations (Sachman), 164
Hutchinson, Billy, 91
Hutchinson, Margaret, 83–85, 91, 92, 93
IBM, 7, 8, 36–39, 42, 43, 47, 56, 112
Ignorance (Firestein), 30
IKEA, 61–62
imperfection, 155
implicit models, 41
India, 89
see also Sankat Mochan; Varanasi
Indian Institutes of Technology, 99, 104
Indonesia, 173–75
industrial revolution, 149–52
inequality, 178–79
inference engine, 130
information collection, 87
Google and, 48–50
ZIP codes and, 46–47
information security, 73–74
innovation, 24, 48
intentional fallacy, 176–77
interchangeability, 20, 33, 92
Intercolonial and Canadian Pacific Railway, 96–97
internal combustion engines, 176
International Meridian Conference, 100–101, 111
interpretive consistency, 88–90
introversion, 129
invention, rhythm of, 156–57
inventory management, 8–10
Japan, 69–70, 155, 164–65, 170
black ship effect and, 168
Jitterbug, 145, 146
Jobs, Steve, 171–72
Johnson, Samuel, 110
Kaku, Michio, 176
Kalam, A. P. J. Abdul, 109–10
KarTrak device, 13
Kaufman, Ted, 131
Kelly, Kevin, 111
Kennedy, John F., 26–27
Kennedy, Michael, 167
ketchup bottle, 160–61, 165
keying process, ZIP codes and, 44–45
Keynes, John Maynard, 56–57
knowledge, 28–30, 33, 49, 83, 115, 155
Kodak, 138–41, 146–47, 155
Koon, David, 120–29, 132–34, 136
Koon, Jennifer, 118–22, 133, 136
Koon, Suzanne, 120, 122
Kuprenas, John, 42–43
Lamba, Naveen, 38
Lansing, Stephen, 174–75
latent preferences, 39
Laurer, George, 7–11, 89
lawyers, 129
learning from others, 158–80
Lebow, Fred, 13
Lee, Michael, 68–69
Lienhard, John, 156–57
Lincoln, Abraham, 134
liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 24
listening, 133, 171
London, 112, 114, 148–52, 157
Los Angeles Examiner, 181–82
Los Angeles Sentinel, 167
Louis XIV, King of France, 15
Louis XV, King of France, 15
lunar landing, 26–27
Made in Japan (Akio), 165
Madhavan, Guru (author):
background and education of, 30–32, 53–55
in Varanasi, 94–95, 97–99, 101–9, 116–17
Madras, University of, 32
mail delivery, 43–47
Mankiw, Gregory, 55
Man in the White Suit, The (movie), 141
manufacturing, 32, 34, 69, 71, 73, 75
marathons, 1–4, 13–14
mash-ups, 87
Maskin, Eric, 56
mass production, 32, 84–85, 91–93, 186
master planning, 46
mathematics, 31, 32, 33, 35, 37
matrix thinking, 63–64
Mayer, Marissa, 173
mechanical engineers, 139
mechanism design, 56–57
medical devices, 76
Melnikov, Andrew, 123
mental illness, 178
Merck & Co., 79
merit-based training systems, 35
Merman, Ethel, 46
metric system, 89
microeconomics, 55
microwave ovens, 164
military, 15–21, 24, 43, 92
military engineers, 15–21
Mills, Victor, 158–60
minimalism, 61–62
Mishra, Veer Bhadra, 97–99, 104–9, 114–16
Mishra, Vishwambar Nath, 116–17
mobility, 21, 176
model building, 23, 33
explicit vs. implicit, 41
optimization and, 37, 41–43, 49
modular systems thinking, 21–23, 39, 44, 81, 100, 131, 166, 183, 185
montage, 183
“moon and the ghetto” problems, 178–79
Mote, Dan, 28
Motorola (formerly Galvin Manufacturing Corporation), 141–43, 145
movies, 171, 172
of Hitchcock, 181–85, 187–90
special effects in, 188
murder, of J. Koon, 119–23, 133
Murthy, N. R. Narayana, 113
music, 88, 113, 167, 171, 189
National Academy of Sciences, 54–55
natural philosophers, 33
nature, 52, 70, 75, 76, 111, 173, 186
naval systems, 74–75
negative constraints, 110–12, 114
Nelson, Richard, 178
Newsday, 136
Newton, Sir Isaac, 33
New York (state), 124, 125
New York, N.Y., 123, 125
New York City Marathon (1979), 3
New Yorker, 62, 107
New York Road Runners, 13
New York Times, 4, 181
911 system, 119, 123–29, 136
nirvana fallacy, 86
nonpoint sources, 104
Obama, Barack, 147
objectivity, 30
Ohno, Taiichi, 69, 72
Olympics, 112, 148–52
online stores, 58
open (declarative) constraint, 113
opportunistic assimilation, 63
opportunities, problems transformed into, 11
optical sensor systems, 6–7, 9, 49
optimization, 36–58, 176–77, 182, 186
basic components of, 40–43
data-driven, 51, 52
mail delivery and, 43–47
traffic jams and, 36–40, 42, 43, 47–50, 112
user needs and, 51–52
order, problem of, 169
oriented to the mission, 177
Orman, Levent, 177
Oswald, William, 106–7
commercial, 81
interior, 81
Pampers, 159
parameter variation, 20, 34, 64–65, 93
parking, 57
Parliament, British, 130, 131
Pasteur, Louis, 115
patents, 68
penicillin, 78–79, 90–91, 92
mass production of, 84–85
perfection, perfectionism, 155, 169
Perry, Matthew, 168
perspective, problem of, 169
Peters, Tom, 28, 63–64
Petroski, Henry, 29
Pfizer, 84, 85
pharmaceutical companies, 84, 85
Phelps, Charles, 57
philosophy, philosophers, 26, 176, 179
natural, 33
phone carriers, 125
physical constraints, 25, 111
Piggly Wiggly, 59–62, 70–71, 92, 128, 185
Pixar, 171–72
planned obsolescence, 145
platform solution, 39
Plummer, Jim, 12
point sources, 105
politics, 124–34, 177
D. Koon in, 120–22, 124–29, 132–34
hidden variables in, 132
lawyers and, 129
pollution, 176
water, 99, 104–8, 111, 114, 117
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 161
Pope, Nancy, 45
pose optimization, 50
positive constraints, 110–11
postcode lottery, 47
Post Office Department, U.S., 43–47
poverty, 178–79
press, color digital production, 162–63
Priests and Programmers (Lansing), 174
printers, 162, 164
problems, technical vs. practical, 47
problem-solving, 11, 12, 49, 129, 168
Procter & Gamble (P&G), 158–60, 165
productivity, 38, 87, 93, 128, 175
prototyping, 137–57, 182, 186
as basic habit, 152–53
cell phone and, 141–46, 153–54
digital camera and, 139–41, 147–48, 153–56
kinds of, 153–54
Shepherd and, 149–52, 154
Prussia, Prussians, 17, 18–19
Psycho (movie), 184–85
psychological constraints, 111
psychologists, psychology, 63, 155, 190
public policy, 55, 124–29
public safety answering point, 123, 125, 126–27
quick iterative design, 151–52
radio frequency identification, 13
Rae, John, 91
railroads, 4–7, 70, 160
timekeeping and, 96–97, 99–101, 111–12
RAV4, 170
razor blades, differential pricing and, 58
Rear Window (movie), 183–84
recombination, 86–88, 182
reconstructionism, 21, 34
refrigerators, 165
reliability, 73–76
religion, 26, 107–9, 115
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 138
responsive design, 160
restaurant cooking, 71
rice, 173–75
roads, 49–50, 86, 97, 179
traffic congestion and, 36–40, 42, 43, 57
Rochester, N.Y., 118–20, 133–34
Rochester Challenge Against Violence, 133–34
rocket “science,” 27
Rodgers, Bill, 1
Rosen, Howard, 20–21
rotary wing, 68
Ruiz, Rosie, 2–4, 13
Ruiz scandal, 1–4
rust prevention, 166
Rydstrom, Gary, 188–89
safety, crash and survivability analysis and, 80–83, 85–86
sanitary engineering, 115
Sankat Mochan, 97–99, 107, 116–17
Sasson, John, 137
Sasson, Richard, 137
Sasson, Steve, 137–41, 146–48, 152–57
Saunders, Clarence, 59–61, 128, 185
scaling, 42–43
scanning technology, 6–7, 10
Schweidnitz, siege of, 18–19
science, scientists, 26–30, 82
Seabrook, John, 11
search engines, 87, 109
seat belts, 81–82, 83, 86
security, 120, 176
self-reliance, 70
self-service, 59–62
“senate syndrome,” 128
Senge, Peter, 71, 72
senior citizens, cell phones for, 145, 146
sensors, traffic, 37
septicemia, 79
Seven Years’ War, 17–19
sewage, sewers, 105, 111, 114
Shepherd-Barron, John, 62–63, 65, 68, 73, 76, 92, 143, 144
Shiva, 102–3
simplicity, 90, 145, 146
sirens, 86, 88
skyscrapers, 11–12, 154, 183
smartphones, 164
Smiles, Samuel, 70
Smith, Steven, 128
social costs, 179
social interactions, 134–35, 179
social marketing, 165
social networks, 176
social perceptions, 164, 165
social psychology, 190
social scientists, 162–63, 168–71
sociology, 115–16
software, 33, 113, 145, 161, 162–63, 176
software engineers, 21, 25, 113
solution spaces, 11
Sony, 164–65
sound design, 188–90
space travel, space craft, 26–27, 75, 176
Spector, Alfred, 48–50
sports cars, 74
standardization, 78–93
adaptation and, 91–93
interpretive consistency and, 88–90
penicillin and, 78–79, 84–85
recombination and, 86–88
standard time, 101, 111, 142
steam engines, steam power, 28, 31, 155
Stephenson, Randall, 51
stepwise refinement, 21
Stewart, Jimmy, 183–84, 187, 190
Stites, Frank, 6
Stockholm, traffic congestion in, 36–39, 42, 43, 112
stone-pecking noise, 167
strategy, 46, 47
structural engineers, high-rise, 11–12
structure, 32–33, 81, 88, 93, 126, 148, 179, 182, 183, 186
seeing, 23–24, 26
subak, 173–75
subjectivity, 30
Suchman, Lucy, 163, 164
suicides, attempted, 80, 82
supermarkets, see grocery industry
Sweden, 17
traffic congestion in, 36–39, 42, 43, 112
systemizing, 134–35
systems, systems thinking, 20–23, 33, 49, 110, 131, 170, 179
building, 22
efficiency and, 68, 71–72
technological performance and, 156
traffic jams and, 37, 39, 40
transformation and, 154–55
ultracomplicated, 90
systems engineers, 51–52, 190
systems integration, 86, 110
Szymanski, Margaret, 168
tape recorders, 164–65
technological performance, 156
technology, 28–30, 38, 47
evolution of, 86, 87
Hitchcock movies and, 188–90
intuitive, 172–73
see also specific topics
telecommunications, 51, 65, 156
telematics, 65, 143
telephones, 64, 65, 118
car, 142
cell, 89, 123, 141–46, 153–54, 156, 157, 176
terrorist groups, 177, 178
test-driven development, 154
Texas A&M Transportation Institute, 38
Thames, 114, 116
They Made America (Evans), 92
Tiananmen Square protests, 146–47
Time, 107
time and motion studies, 60, 128
time constraints, 25
timekeeping, 96–97, 99–101, 111–12
time zones, 96–97, 100, 111
Titanic, HMS, 74
Tonko, Paul, 129
top-down design strategy (“divide and conquer”), 21–22
Toyoda, Eija, 69
Toyoda, Kiichiro, 70
Toyoda, Sakichi, 70
Toyota, 69–73, 128, 166–67, 169–70
Toyota Avalon, 167
Toyota Culture (Warrick), 169
Toyota Production System, 71, 92
Toyota Production System (Ohno), 72
trade-offs, 42, 52, 81, 93, 113, 131, 161, 167, 174, 182, 183, 186
aggressive vs. conservative, 74–75
defined, 25–26
Gribeauval and, 32, 34
politics and, 126, 127
traffic congestion, 36–40, 43, 47–50, 57, 97
congestion pricing and, 37, 39, 42, 47, 55–56
traffic lights, 86
transduction, 92–93
transformation, 154–55
in crash and survivability analysis, 80–83, 85–86
see also cars; railroads
trautonium, 189
triangulation approach, 125
Tri Hita Karana, doctrine of, 173
Truffaut, François, 189–90
Tulsidas, 98
Tulsi Ghat, 98, 104–9, 117
Turing, Alan, 107
Twain, Mark, 95
tweaking, 152–53, 163
uniformity, 20
United Kingdom, 47
United Nations Environment Programme, 107
United States, 144, 146, 170
carbon emissions in, 38
economy of, 22–23, 53–55
Japan’s relations with, 168
penicillin in, 79
railroads in, 97
Universal Product Code (UPC), 9–10, 89
user needs, 51–52
utility, 21, 26
utility maximization, 55–56, 57
Vallière, Florent-Jean de, 15–16, 23–24, 155
Vallière guns, 16–20
Vandebroek, Sophie, 161–64
Varanasi, 94–95, 97–99, 101–9, 116–17
variables, hidden, 132
Versailles, Treaty of (1756), 17
violence, 133–34, 178, 184–85
virus, computer, 176
visual warning systems, 88
Volcker, Paul, 69
wabi-sabi, 155
military, 15–21, 33, 41, 43, 176
procedural, 128
see also World War II
War Production Board, 85
Warrick, Mamie, 168–70
washing machines, 165–66
Washington, George, 16
water pollution, 99, 104–8, 111, 114, 117
water temples, 173–75
weather, 52
Weck, Olivier de, 25
Wertenbaker, Charles, 123
What Technology Wants (Kelly), 111
Whitesides, George, 29
Wiles, Andrew, 30
Willis, Harold, 92–93
Wilson, Bee, 71
wireless spectrum, expansion of, 142–44
World Health Organization, 105
World War II, 43, 69, 79, 85
Wozniak, Steve, 135
Wright, Orville, 66–68
Wright, Wilbur, 66–68
Xerox, 161–66, 168
Yamamoto, Yuji, 71
Yellowstone National Park, 148
Young, Dean, 103
ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) code, 44–47, 100, 142