1. Why does Beth Kirby feel so alien in her hometown? Why has she distanced herself from her friends, her church, and even her family?
2. Following his broken engagement, Michael Preston endeavors to overhaul nearly every facet of his life. Have you ever undertaken such a major reinvention? What triggered the decision?
3. What looks suspicious about Reverend Dean’s death to the PIs despite the coroner’s conclusion?
4. Craig Mitchell’s gambling ruined Isabelle’s first marriage. Why is she so intent on helping someone who doesn’t want help?
5. A private investigator must walk a narrow line with local law enforcement. What makes Detective Lejeune especially resentful of Beth’s interference in his case?
6. Why would church personnel be easy marks for scam artists?
7. What was in the quarterly statements that made Michael suspicious of D.K. Financials?
8. Why is it nearly impossible to cheat a casino?
10. Much to her dismay, Rachel Stewart no longer has power over Michael. What has changed inside him to bring this about?