Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
ADB. See Asian Development Bank
Africa, 11, 46, 85
aggregate liquidity, 211n2
Agricultural Bank of China, 57–58, 61–63, 200n22
agriculture, 35–36
AIIB. See Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
airlock system, 72–74
Alibaba, 65
anti-American sentiment, 182–85
Apple, 34–35
appreciation: Bretton Woods and, 18–19; in global financial crisis, 23; of renminbi, 75, 78–80, 90–91, 94, 129, 148–49, 164–68, 178, 197n49; of yen, 75, 105–6
ASEAN. See Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Asian Development Bank (ADB), 190
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), 46, 123, 189–90
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), 110, 112, 122, 140
auto industry, 34, 39, 196n35
Bank for International Settlements, 99
Bank of China, 110, 124, 128, 140, 145, 200n22; financial repression and, 57, 61, 63; as policy bank, 63
Bank of Communications, 59
Bank of England, 27, 122, 150
Bank of Korea, 122
banks: bonds and, 62–63; clearing, 124–25, 139; deposit rates of, 52, 162–63; in financial repression system, 56–64; interbank liquidity and, 221n20; interbank market of, 63; interbank rate of, 162; overseas investment in, 45; policy, 63; private-sector depositors in, 58–59; reform, 130, 157–60, 173, 201n32; savings of, 64–65; shadow banking and, 49–50, 61, 64–67; state, 60–61, 186, 201n32; state-owned enterprises and, 53, 60–61, 160, 201n32; stock market and, 62; trade settlement pilot scheme and, 110–11
Bernanke, Ben, 22, 24
bilateral loans, 123, 196n30
bitcoin, 12
black market, 72–73, 203n8
BNP Paribas, 183
bonds: banks and, 62–63; renminbi-denominated, 94, 126–29, 143–44; U.S. Treasury, 94–95, 103
Brazil, 99–100
Bretton Woods, 18–19
BRICS Summit, 123
Britain, 36, 88, 104–5; Industrial Revolution in, 36; renminbi in, 142–44, 177, 217n13. See also pound sterling
Canada, 145
capital account: global financial crisis and, 80–81; internationalization and, 102–4, 154, 170; opening of, 135, 151–58, 165–70, 185, 187; restrictions on, 80–83, 89–90, 135
capital flight, 156
Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 10
Central Bank of Brazil, 99
Central Huijin, 60–61
Chan, Albert, 112
Chan, Norman, 122
Chatham House Rule, 209n20
cheap labor, 31, 34
cheap money, 12–13, 24–25; in China’s transformation, 27, 29; financial liberalization and, 21; global financial crisis and, 21–23. See also low interest rates
Chen Yulu, 204n29
Chiang Mai Initiative, 122, 212n13
China: ambitions of, 177–80; Cultural Revolution in, 30; debt in, 64, 66–67; dollar relied on by, 2, 5–6, 25–27, 31–33, 75–80, 86–88, 93–95, 100, 118, 146; foreign direct investment in, 36–39, 129, 131, 196n30; foreign exchange reserves and, 92–95, 146, 176, 184–85, 206n12; GDP of, 29–31, 33, 52, 62, 66, 206n18; without international currency, 69–71; invoicing gap, 149–50; market intervention by, 75, 83, 165, 186; Ministry of Commerce, 81; Ministry of Finance, 130; pivotal moment of, 1–2; reforms in, 1, 5, 31–33, 37, 57–58, 73, 152, 154–59, 173–74, 203n8, 219n34; reserve currency and, 15, 69; savings in, 49–50, 52, 64–67, 81, 156; Securities Regulatory Commission, 1; socialism in, 4, 32, 159–60, 195n12, 221n18; sub-prime investments in, 67; superpowers and, 2, 188; trade surplus of, 75–76, 80, 88, 90–93; U.S. trade deficit with, 25; in WTO, 33, 38, 59, 74, 77, 103, 154, 157, 159. See also renminbi; transformation, of China
China Construction Bank, 57, 61, 200n22
China Development Bank, 45–46, 63, 123, 127
China Ex-Im Bank, 123
China Foreign Exchange Trade System, 125
Chinese National Offshore Oil Corporation, 45, 197n46, 198n57
CIPS. See Cross-Border Inter-bank Payment System
clearing banks, 124–25, 139
CNH (offshore fully convertible renminbi), 115, 124, 148–49, 165
CNY (onshore nonconvertible renminbi), 115, 148–49, 165
coastal development, 32–33
commodities, 225n32; foreign policy and, 182; imports, 35, 97
Communist Party, 45, 56, 58
confidence, 4, 118, 192n11
Congress, U.S., 145
convertibility: managed, 7, 155, 168–71; offshore market and, 116; of renminbi, 7, 69, 80–83, 112–14, 116, 138, 153–57, 168–73
credit: cheap, 53; consumer, 64; growth, 21, 65, 67; risk, 89–90
Cross-Border Inter-bank Payment System (CIPS), 125–26
cross-border trade settlement pilot scheme. See trade settlement pilot scheme
“crossing the river by feeling the stones,” 100, 106–8
crypto-currencies, 12
Cultural Revolution, 30
currency: defined, 12; immature, 88–90; importance of, 2–3, 177; regional, 6–7, 147–48, 174, 176–77, 179, 189–90; reserve, 15–17, 69; supranational, 88, 181, 187; swaps, 121–24, 212n11. See also dwarf currency; international currency; reserve currency
current account, 80, 102–3, 117–18; deficit, 18–19, 25, 193n22, 194n35; surplus, 19, 25, 75–76, 193n22, 194n36
daily remittance limit, 125, 214n23
Dai Xianglong, 60
Danish krone, 75
Daswani, Neil, 112
debt: Chinese, 64, 66–67; external, management of, 169; market, 127–30
Decline of Sterling, The (Schenk), 71
Deng Xiaoping, 100, 106, 133, 196nn37–38; expectations of, 31; reforms by, 1, 5, 31–32, 37, 57, 158–59, 203n8, 219n34; Southern Tour of, 37; trade liberalization strategy of, 73
deposit rates, 52, 162–63
depreciation: Bretton Woods and, 18; of renminbi, 78, 92, 94, 113, 156, 164–65, 167, 168
devaluation, of renminbi, 73–74, 156, 222nn26–27
Development and Reform Committee, 82
development finance, 45–47, 123
development model, Chinese, 69
dim sum market, 127–30
dollar, U.S.: China relying on, 2, 5–6, 25–27, 31–33, 75–80, 86–88, 93–95, 100, 118, 146; in China’s transformation, 25–27, 31–33, 37; costs of doing business in, 86–88; development of, 5; dominance of, 17–20, 27, 71, 179–82, 187, 189; global financial crisis and, 99; golden era of, 188; hegemony of, 4; as international currency, 14, 17–20, 85, 99, 223n8; liquidity of, 12–13, 18–20, 87–88, 119; national identity in, 2–3; pegging to, 75–80, 164; preference for, 97; renminbi fighting against, 178–85, 190; SDRs of, 17; “strong dollar” policy, 105–6, 167; trap, 93–95, 118; Yen-Dollar Committee and, 102
domestic contracts, 225n33
domestic credit risk, 89–90
domestic financial stability, 118, 215n42
domestic interest rates, international levels aligned with, 166
Dong He, 119
dwarf currency: absorption of trade surplus and, 90–93; challenge to changing, 96–98; dollar trap and, 93–95; downsides of, 6, 32, 86–96, 100; end of, 138; exchange rate and, 6, 71; living with, 85–98; sterilization and, 91–94, 96
economic diplomacy, 46
energy imports, 35, 97
euro, 183; as international currency, 14, 85, 187; pegging to, 75; SDRs of, 17
eurodollar market, 142, 211n3
European Union, 126, 177, 183, 208n8
exchange rate: black market and, 72–73, 203n8; CNY and CNH, 149, 165; dwarf currency and, 6, 71; floating, 75–77, 166–68; foreign exchange reserves stabilizing, 92; internationalization and, 157; managed, 67, 69, 71–80, 90, 118, 156, 164–68, 185; mismatches, 89; offshore market and, 165, 210n28; PBoC and, 78–79, 91–92, 118, 155, 164–68; Plaza Accord of 1985 and, 105; reform, 73–74, 77, 107, 164–68; renminbi, 26, 67, 69, 71–81, 90, 118, 156, 164–68, 185; reserve currency and, 16; risk, 90; sterilization and, 79; trade and, 72–74; in transformation of China, 69; variability, 14
Export-Import Bank of China, 45–46, 63
exports, of foreign-invested firms, 38–39
external debt, management of, 169
Federal Reserve, U.S.: pegging and, 75; policy, 20, 22–24, 27, 75, 120, 189, 193n26, 209n17
fiat money, 13, 117
financial crisis, credit growth leading to, 67. See also global financial crisis
financial diplomacy, 46
financial flows, 9
financial globalization, 9–12, 24–25
financial infrastructure, 104–5
financial liberalization, 9–10; cheap money and, 21; financial repression and, 58–59
financial repression system: banking sector in, 56–64; consequences of, 52–53, 71, 156, 161; defined, 50–51; financial liberalization and, 58–59; interest rates in, 51–53, 161, 199n5; introduction to, 5, 49–51; lending quotas in, 51–53; misallocated resources in, 51, 61, 161, 220n9; shadow banking in, 49–50, 61, 64–67; state-owned enterprises in, 53–56; in transformation of China, 49; yen and, 101
financial resources, allocation of, 51, 61, 160–61, 220n9
financial sector: international currency and, 9, 14; managed convertibility opening up, 7; real economy served by, 155; reform, 157–58, 161–64, 173
financial stability, domestic, 118, 215n42
floating exchange rate, 75–77, 166–68
foreign credit risk, 89–90
foreign direct investment, in China, 36–39, 129, 131, 196n30
foreign exchange: data, 191n3; intervention, 91; market, 10, 13, 74–75, 134, 140–41; reference rates, 13; reserves, 11, 92–95, 146, 176, 184–85, 206n12; SAFE and, 81–82
foreign investment: direct, 36–39, 129, 131, 196n30; exports of, 38–39; overseas, 39–45, 130–31, 205n3
foreign policy, U.S., 182–83
Foxconn, 34–35
Frankfurt, 144
free market zone, 150–52, 171
free usability, 177, 224n16
Gao, Haihong, 83
Gazprom, 184
GDP. See gross domestic product
Ghana, 11
global financial crisis: appreciation in, 23; cheap money and, 21–23; dollar and, 99; liquidity and, 87–88, 181; pegging during, 77; restricted capital account and, 80–81; Swiss franc and, 16–17; in U.S., 15, 21–23, 27, 80–81, 167; world economy and, 4, 167
globalization: financial, 9–12, 24–25; restricted, 2, 7
“global saving glut” hypothesis, 22–23
gold standard, 20, 70
government: international standards of, 186; market intervention by, 75, 83, 165, 186, 206n11; reduced role of, 2; state-owned companies influenced by, 45, 53–56, 197n49
Graham, Lindsey, 77
Great Britain. See Britain
Great Moderation, 21, 26
Greenspan, Alan, 22–23, 26
gross domestic product (GDP): Chinese, 29–31, 33, 52, 62, 66, 206n18; Spanish, 21; trade and, 33; U.S., 20–21, 62, 206n18; Zambian, 85
G20 summit, 77, 99
Guangdong, 125, 151, 209n26
Han Zheng, 155
Heilmann, Sebastian, 151
high value payment system (HVPS), 124, 213n19
HKMA. See Hong Kong Monetary Authority
Hong Kong: internationalization and, 108–11, 115, 122–25, 127–28, 131–35, 137, 170–71; invoicing gap, 149–50; Occupy, 131, 133; offshore market of, 115, 122–25, 127–28, 131–33, 137–39, 148–49, 175–76, 212n5; payment system in, 124–25; R–QFII in, 131; Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect and, 131–32, 152; two systems in, 132–35
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA), 122–23, 134, 143
Hong Kong Stock Exchange, 131, 152
“hot money” flows, 149
HSBC China, 110–12, 143
Huang Yifan, 111–12
HVPS. See high value payment system
ICBC. See Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
IMF. See International Monetary Fund
immature creditors, 89
immature currency, 88–90
imports: commodities, 35, 97; pricing, 72
income per capita, 10–11
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), 56–57, 61, 66, 140
Industrial Revolution, 36
inertia, 97–98, 182
informal renminbi exchange markets, 109–10
information technology, 10, 196n24
Inter-American Development Bank, 123
interbank liquidity, 221n20
interbank market, 63
interbank rate, 162
interest rates: domestic, international levels aligned with, 166; in financial repression system, 51–53, 161, 199n5; internationalization and, 157, 160–64; reform, 161–64; U.S., 22–24, 26, 94, 167, 188–89. See also low interest rates
international currency: China lacking, 69–71; dollar as, 14, 17–20, 85, 99, 223n8; euro as, 14, 85, 187; features of, 12–15, 166, 202n1; financial sector and, 9, 14; as means of exchange, 175; pound as, 14, 70, 85; renminbi as, 2–5, 138, 154, 157, 166, 173–75, 187–88; reserve currency, 15–17; stability of, 166, 180; store of value of, 175–76; as unit of account, 175; yen as, 14, 101–3, 146, 187, 207n6
internationalization, of renminbi: ambitions for, 177–80; assessment of, 146–50; banking reform and, 130, 157–60; capital account and, 102–4, 154, 170; challenges of, 96–98, 117–18; constraints on, 27, 51, 67; as “crossing the river by feeling the stones,” 100, 106–8; deadline for, 154; domestic financial stability during, 118, 215n42; exchange rate and, 157; financial globalization and, 24; financial reform and, 157–58, 161–64, 173; free market zone and, 150–52; Hong Kong and, 108–11, 115, 122–25, 127–28, 131–35, 137, 170–71; interest rates and, 157, 160–64; introduction to, 2–7; lessons for, 104–6; market built for, 117–30; offshore market in, 108, 114–16, 139; pace of, 185, 187–88; PBoC and, 107, 112, 120–21, 124–25, 127, 145, 148–49; strategy, 100–117, 137, 146–50, 155, 170–71, 179–80; trade settlement pilot scheme, 107–16, 137, 147, 149, 209n25, 210n31, 211n41; as transformation’s key, 173; yen as example for, 101–6, 207n6
International Monetary Fund (IMF), 16, 77, 166, 187; creation of, 18; Zhou Xiaochuan’s speech at, 168–69. See also Special Drawing Rights
international monetary system: changing, 181–82, 190; renminbi and, 186–88
investment: growth in, 10; long-term, 22, 82; sub-prime, 15, 21–22, 67. See also foreign investment
invoicing gap, 149–50
Iran, 183
Iraq, 183
Ito, Takatoshi, 154
Japan, 101–5, 217n8. See also yen
Jiang Jianqing, 163
Jiang Zemin, 37, 159
Kissinger, Henry, 159, 196nn37–38
Kroeber, Arthur, 154
labor, cheap, 31, 34
Lagarde, Christine, 16, 138, 174
Laos, 110
Lardy, Nicholas, 59–60
Latin America, 46, 123
Lehman Brothers, 77
lending: bilateral, 123, 196n30; interest rate reform for, 162–63; nonperforming, 60, 67; patterns, of immature creditors, 89; to private sector, 61, 67; quotas, 51–53; in renminbi, 120, 127
Lenovo, 44, 198n59
Lew, Jack, 173
liabilities, 87, 223n11
liquidity: aggregate, 211n2; in Bretton Woods system, 18; currency swaps and, 121–24; dollar, 12–13, 18–20, 87–88, 119; global financial crisis and, 87–88, 181; interbank, 221n20; market infrastructure and, 118–19; PBoC and, 120–22, 187; renminbi, 114, 118–24, 133, 135, 148, 150; reserve requirement influencing, 161–62; sterilization and, 167; supply for, 119–24; trust and, 192n11
Liu Guangxi, 178
loans. See lending
London, 104–5, 142–44, 177, 217n13
long-term investments, 22, 82
lost decade, Japanese, 103
Lou Jiwei, 56
Lowery, Clay, 192n9
low interest rates: consequences of, 13, 21–22, 52; financial repression and, 51–53; in U.S., 22–24, 26, 94, 188–89
Luxembourg, 144
Malaysia, 11
managed convertibility, 7, 155, 168–71, 185
Mantega, Guido, 23, 100
manufacturing, 34–36, 38
Mao Zedong, 29
Ma Rentao, 121
market: black, 72–73, 203n8; debt, 127–30; eurodollar, 142, 211n3; foreign exchange, 10, 13, 74–75, 134, 140–41; free market zone, 150–52, 171; informal renminbi exchange, 109–10; infrastructure, 118–19, 124–26; interbank, 63; mortgage, 15, 21–22; panda, 127; stock, 50, 62, 126. See also offshore market
market intervention: by China, 75, 83, 165, 186; by Russia, 206n11
market socialism, 4, 32, 159–60, 195n12, 221n18
Martin, William McChesney, 193n30
mature creditors, 88
maximum deposit rate, 52
McCauley, Robert, 119
McDonald’s, 128–29
McKinnon, Ronald, 88
means of exchange, international currency as, 175
Meirelles, Henrique, 99
Ministry of Commerce, China’s, 81
Ministry of Finance, China’s, 130
money: availability of, 12–13; cheap, 12–13, 21–24; fiat, 13, 117; as game changer, 9–12; “hot money” flows, 149; information technology influencing, 10; laundering, 169; terrorism and, 169; for trade and finance, 12–15; value maintained by, 13. See also cheap money; currency; international monetary system
mortgage market, sub-prime, 15, 21–22
multinational companies, 38
Mundell, Robert, 69, 202n2
national champions, of state-owned enterprises, 40, 200n16
National Development Reform Council (NDRC), 81
nationalism, 2–3, 177–79
NDRC. See National Development Reform Council
net international lending, in renminbi, 120
New Development Bank, 46, 123
New Silk Road, 46, 147
New York, 177
Nomura, 103
nonperforming loans, 60, 67
Occupy Hong Kong, 131, 133
offshore fully convertible renminbi. See CNH
offshore market: clearing banks in, 124–25, 139; convertibility and, 116; debt market, 127–30; dim sum, 127–30; exchange rate and, 165, 210n28; expanding, 139–41; free market zone and, 150–52; goal of, 116; Hong Kong, 115, 122–25, 127–28, 131–33, 137–39, 148–49, 175–76, 212n5; in internationalization of renminbi, 108, 114–16, 139; London, 142–44, 177; payment system, 124–26, 183; pure, 119–20, 133, 139; quotas, 131–32; for renminbi-denominated bonds, 126–29; renminbi supplied to, 119–21; Singapore, 140–41, 148; store of value and, 175–76; Taipei, 139–41, 148; Tokyo, 102; U.S. and, 144–45, 177
oil prices, 101, 182–84
One Belt, One Road Initiative, 46, 147
one-year bills, 94
onshore nonconvertible renminbi. See CNY
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 182–83
Osborne, George, 142
overseas investment, 39–45, 130–31, 205n3
panda market, 127
Paris, 144
payment system, offshore market, 124–26, 183
PBoC. See People’s Bank of China
pegging: to dollar, 75–80, 164; to euro, 75; during global financial crisis, 77; of renminbi, 74–80, 107, 164
People’s Bank of China (PBoC), 52, 56–58, 66, 175; development plan of, 153; exchange rate and, 78–79, 91–92, 118, 155, 164–68; interest rate reform and, 161–63; internationalization of renminbi and, 107, 112, 120–21, 124–25, 127, 145, 148–49; liabilities of, 87; limitations of, 186; liquidity and, 120–22, 187; one-year bills of, 94; reserve requirement and, 161–62; Zhou Xiaochuan governing, 83, 88, 95, 99, 107, 155, 157, 168–69, 180–81, 185, 187
Pettis, Michael, 199n5
Piketty, Thomas, 10
Plaza Accord of 1985, 105
policy banks, 63
pound sterling: dominance of, 70–71; golden era of, 188; gold standard and, 20, 70; as international currency, 14, 70, 85; as reserve currency, 15, 70
poverty headcounts, 206n16
price-based instruments, 161
Prince, Chuck, 23
private property rights, 159
private sector: depositors, 58–59; lending to, 61, 67; role of, 1–2; shadow banking in, 61
pure offshore market, 119–20, 133, 139
QDII (qualified domestic institutional investors), 82–83, 205n30
QDLP (qualified domestic limited partnership), 131
QE. See quantitative easing
QFII (qualified foreign institutional investors), 82–83, 130, 147
qualified domestic institutional investors. See QDII
qualified domestic limited partnership. See QDLP
qualified foreign institutional investors. See QFII
quantitative easing (QE), 16, 23–24, 27
quantity-based instruments, 161–62
Qu Hongbin, 178
Rajan, Raghuram, 24
Reagan, Ronald, 102
reais, 99–100
real economy, financial sector serving, 155
real estate, 15, 21–22, 49, 82, 97
real-time gross settlement (RTGS), 124–25, 213n20
reforms: accelerated, 5; banking, 130, 157–60, 173, 201n32; in China, 1, 5, 31–33, 37, 57–58, 73, 152, 154–59, 173–74, 203n8, 219n34; by Deng, 1, 5, 31–32, 37, 57, 158–59, 203n8, 219n34; exchange rate, 73–74, 77, 107, 164–68; financial, 157–58, 161–64, 173; importance of, 173–74; interest rate, 161–64; managed convertibility, 7; way forward for, 152, 187–88
regional currency: evolution from, 6; renminbi as, 6–7, 147–48, 174, 176–77, 179, 189–90
renminbi: age of, 190; appreciation of, 75, 78–80, 90–91, 94, 129, 148–49, 164–68, 178, 197n49; artificial overvaluation of, 72–73; bonds in, 94, 126–29, 143–44; in Britain, 142–44, 177, 217n13; CNH, 115, 124, 148–49, 165; CNY, 115, 148–49, 165; confidence in, 4, 118, 192n11; convertibility of, 7, 69, 80–83, 112–14, 116, 138, 153–57, 168–73; credibility of, 117–18; depreciation of, 78, 92, 94, 113, 156, 164–65, 167, 168; devaluation of, 73–74, 156, 222nn26–27; domain of, 175–77; downward trend of, 1; exchange rate, 26, 67, 69, 71–81, 90, 118, 156, 164–68, 185; in fight against dollar, 178–85, 190; flows, management of, 130–32; as immature currency, 88–90; informal exchange markets for, 109–10; as international currency, 2–5, 138, 154, 157, 166, 173–75, 187–88; international monetary system and, 186–88; international use of, 6–7, 146; lending in, 120, 127; liabilities, 87, 223n11; liquidity, 114, 118–24, 133, 135, 148, 150; movement of, 137–52; nationalism and, 177–79; origin of, 30, 194n5; pegging of, 74–80, 107, 164; as regional currency, 6–7, 147–48, 174, 176–77, 179, 189–90; in restricted globalization, 2; scope of, 175–76; SDRs of, 17, 78, 138, 145, 174, 178–79, 186, 190; supply, 119–24; trajectory of, 187–88; transformation of China and, 31–32; trust in, 4, 192n11; in U.S., 144–45, 177. See also dwarf currency; internationalization, of renminbi
renminbi-foreign direct investment program. See R–FDI
renminbi-overseas direct investment program. See R–ODI
renminbi-qualified foreign institutional investor scheme. See R–QFII
reserve currency: China and, 15, 69; defined, 15–17; exchange rate and, 16; pound as, 15, 70; Swiss franc as, 16–17
reserve requirement, 161–62
restricted globalization, 2, 7
R–FDI (renminbi-foreign direct investment program), 131
R–ODI (renminbi-overseas direct investment program), 130–31
R–QFII (renminbi-qualified foreign institutional investor scheme), 130–31
RTGS. See real-time gross settlement
Russia, 183–84, 206n11
SAFE. See State Administration of Foreign Exchange
sanctions, 183–84
savings: of banks, 64–65; in China, 49–50, 52, 64–67, 81, 156; “global saving glut” hypothesis, 22–23; shadow banking and, 64–67; store of value and, 13
Schenk, Catherine, 71
Schnabl, Gunther, 88
Schumer, Charles, 77
SDRs. See Special Drawing Rights
Securities Regulatory Commission, China, 1
seigniorage, 96
service sector, 35–36
shadow banking, 49–50, 61, 64–67
Shanghai, 151, 153, 171
Shanghai Composite Index, 1, 24
Shanghai–Hong Kong Stock Connect, 131–32, 152
Shanghai Stock Exchange, 62, 131–32, 152
Shanxi Platinum Assemblage Investment, 49–50
Shenzhen, 36, 160
Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 215n36
Singapore, 140–41, 148
Snow, John, 76
socialism, in China, 4, 32, 159–60, 195n12, 221n18
Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), 126, 134
Southern Tour, Deng’s, 37
South Korea: currency swap with, 122; income per capita, 10–11; won, 122, 141
sovereign wealth funds, 11, 192n9
Spain, 21
Special Drawing Rights (SDRs): defined, 192n16; of dollar, 17; of euro, 17; free usability and, 177, 224n16; of renminbi, 17, 78, 138, 145, 174, 178–79, 186, 190; of yen, 17
special economic zones, 151–52
Standing Committee of the State Council, 108
State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), 81–82
state banks, 60–61, 186, 201n32
State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration, 200n18
state-owned enterprises, 200nn18–19; banks and, 53, 60–61, 160, 201n32; in financial repression system, 53–56; government influencing, 45, 53–56, 197n49; national champions, 40, 200n16
sterilization, 148; dwarf currency and, 91–94, 96; exchange rate and, 79; liquidity and, 167; loss on, 94
stock market, 50, 62, 126
store of value, of international currency, 175–76
strategic company, 45, 198n63
“strong dollar” policy, 105–6, 167
sub-prime investments: in China, 67; mortgage market, 15, 21–22
Subramanian, Arvind, 180
superpowers, 2, 188
supranational currency, 88, 181, 187
swap centers, 73–74
swaps, currency, 121–24, 212n11
SWIFT. See Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
Swiss franc, 16–17
Taipei, 139–41, 148, 216n5
taper tantrum, 24, 156
tariff rate, 33
Tencent, 65
terrorism, 169
Thailand, 92
Tokyo offshore market, 102
Toronto, 145
trade: agreements, 46–47; deficit, 25; exchange rate and, 72–74; GDP and, 33; growth, 10; liberalization, 73; money for, 12–15; surplus, 75–76, 80, 88, 90–93; transformation of China driven by, 32–36
trade settlement pilot scheme: banks and, 110–11; goal of, 115–16; internationalization and, 107–16, 137, 147, 149, 209n25, 210n31, 211n41; limited impact of, 113–14
transaction costs, 97
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 47
transformation, of China: cheap money in, 27, 29; Chinese investment abroad in, 39–45; coastal development in, 32–33; development finance and, 45–47; development model of, 69; dollar’s role in, 25–27, 31–33, 37; effects of, 33; exchange rate in, 69; financial repression in, 49; foreign direct investment driving, 36–39; history of, 29–32; impact of, 195n18; internationalization as key to, 173; next step of, 173–74; renminbi and, 31–32; trade driving, 32–36
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), 46
Treasury bonds, U.S., 94–95, 103
Treasury Department, U.S., 76–78
Triffin dilemma, 18
trust, 4, 192n11
TTIP. See Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
TTP. See Trans-Pacific Partnership
United States (U.S.): Congress, 145; credit growth in, 21; current-account deficit of, 19, 25, 194n35; fines, 183; foreign policy, 182–83; GDP, 20–21, 62, 206n18; global financial crisis in, 15, 21–23, 27, 80–81, 167; interest rates in, 22–24, 26, 94, 167, 188–89; offshore market and, 144–45, 177; renminbi in, 144–45, 177; sanctions, 183; service sector in, 35–36; sub-prime mortgage market in, 15, 21–22; trade agreements, 46–47; trade deficit, 25; Treasury bonds, 94–95, 103; Treasury Department, 76–78. See also dollar, U.S.; Federal Reserve, U.S.
unit of account, international currency as, 175
Unocal, 45, 197n46, 198n57
urbanization, 36
U.S. See United States
Venezuela, 90, 183
Vietnam, 111–12, 147, 218n26
Wang Qishan, 142
wealth funds, sovereign, 11, 192n9
Wen Jiabao, 95
won, 122, 141
World Bank, 157, 220n12; borrowing from, 37, 123, 196n30; creation of, 18
world economy: changes in, 188; cheap money influencing, 21; global financial crisis and, 4, 167
World Trade Organization (WTO): China in, 33, 38, 59, 74, 77, 103, 154, 157, 159; requirements, 154
Xiao Gang, 1, 56, 66
Xi Jinping, 90, 144; development finance and, 46; economic policy of, 1–2, 156, 160, 179, 190
Ya Fu, 154
yen, 207n20, 209n17; appreciation of, 75, 105–6; direct trading of, 141; financial repression and, 101; habits, 98; as international currency, 14, 101–3, 146, 187, 207n6; internationalization and, 101–6, 207n6; SDRs of, 17
Yen-Dollar Committee, 102
yield, search for, 21–22, 27
Yi Gang, 179
Yu, Yongding, 83, 93
Zambia, 85
Zhao Ziyang, 32
Zhou Xiaochuan: PBoC governed by, 83, 88, 95, 99, 107, 155, 157, 168–69, 180–81, 185, 187; speeches by, 107, 157, 168–69, 180–81
Zhou Yongkun, 121
Zhu Rongji, 33, 154, 159